Photo Essay: Viener Rov Spends Shabbos With Chassidim In Pressburg, Near Kever Of Chasam Sofer (Photos By JDN)

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10 Responses

  1. The Viener Rov doesn’t have chasidim as he isn’t chasidish or a rebbe. Vien is and always was Oberlanders not chasidish. He is a Rov not a Rebbe.

    A shtreimel doesn’t make one chasidish. Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashev and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach also wore shtreimels even though neither are chasidish.

  2. There is no such city as Pressburg anymore its Bratislava. The Slovks renamed the city after World War I because they did not want to associate with the Germans name anymore and wanted to give it a Slav name instead

  3. No matter the name of the city or the type of chasidus, Then main thing is that they should have “Ausgebeten and Gepoelt Ales gits”

  4. could anyone tell me what are the mekomos hakdoshim visited by the rav (besides for the kever of the chasam sofer). yasher coach for any knowledge shared.

  5. Frankfurt – Pnei yhoshua, hafflu and reb nusen adler and more
    Worms – Shul of Rashi, Maharil Maharam m’rottenberg, Baal shem, and more
    Lizensk – Reb R’ Meilech
    Aushwitz – Birkenau
    Preshburg Bratislava – Chasam Sofer, Ksav sofer and more

  6. Just wnted to post that the Viener Rov is not a Rebbe, but it was done already. So let me just say that he is a Kohen, how could he go to the Kevurim ?

  7. To those who wrote that Vien is not a Chasidus: True, it used to not be. But it has become. He is called Admo”r and leads various Tishen throuout the year.

  8. tschoumi, Vein is to date a chasidis and he is a rebbe. Most of the old time ashkenez yiden passed away and their kids and grandkids are either chasidish or yeshivah (Lakewood). Old time vien is history. Vien “Rebbe” has flourishing mosdos and “chasidim”

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