Arab MKs Meet with Families of Slain Terrorists to Comfort Them

zoabiIn their latest act of defiance, Arab Members of Knesset Hanin Zoabi, Dr. Ahmed Tibi, Basel Ghattas, and Jamal Zahalka met last weeks with families of terrorists that perpetrated attacks in Israel in the ongoing wave of Palestinian attacks that began on erev Rosh Hashanah 5776. The location of the meeting, which took place on Tuesday, was not disclosed.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded “Members of Knesset who go to comfort the families of terrorists who murdered Israelis do not deserve to be in the Israeli Knesset. I have asked the Speaker of the Knesset to examine what steps can be taken against them.”

The Prime Minister and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein are filing complaints against them with the Knesset Ethics Committee.

The PA’s Maan news agency reported the participants in the meeting observed a minute of silence for the slain terrorists YS”VZ. They discussed a number of issues including demands that Israel return the remains of 11 terrorists killed in recent months for burial.

Condemnation of the Arab lawmakers crossed political lines as elected officials as they also called on the Attorney General’s Office to probe just what legal actions if any can be taken against the MKs.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It’s unconscionable that any human being can celebrate terror! How can they not be punished? Their homes should be destroyed! They should be given to a bunch of animals as feed. To celebrate terror is akin to committing it!

  2. This is complete treason. imagine if a congressman went to comfort families of terrorists who have killed americans. They would be thrown out of congress and straight into jail! I hope the government takes action and fast. I don’t like trump but the israeli government definitely doesn’t win anymore.

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