The Cost of Last Week’s Storm to Israeli Farmers

sLast week’s unseasonably cold, wintry weather that included rain and snow is estimated to have resulted in NIS 14 million in damages to the agriculture industry. The Agriculture Ministry situation room reports it received over 700 reports from farmers around Israel, all reporting significant losses due to the harsh weather.

Ministry officials report 50% of the damage occurred in southern areas, and the remainder is in the center and north. 60% of the reported damage is to potato, tomato, pepper, squash, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, eggplant and watermelon crops. Avocado farmers report heavy losses too.

Fruit farmers report the damage to many crops was also significant, including litchi, mango, grapes, plums and bananas. Citrus growers report heavy losses as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Same utter nonsense every year. As usual they need a excuse to hike up the prices of fruits and Veg. If it rains a they complain if it doesn’t they complain. And always with the onset of yom tovim. Some rubbish story about lack of wheat and eggs before pesach. And the bees always go on strike before Rosh Hashannah.
    Its pre-set in the yearly calendar to come-up with some story.
    May HKBK Continue to bless klal yisroel with GISHMEY BRACHA.

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