Trump Complains of Unfair Media Coverage

trDonald Trump says he’s not getting enough credit for his 2nd place win in Iowa Monday.

He tweets: “The media has not covered my long-shot great finish in Iowa fairly. Brought in record voters and got second highest vote total in history!”

It was the third tweet from Trump since an overnight silence from the usually prodigious user of Twitter in the wee hours.

A few minutes earlier, Trump tweeted: “Because I was told I could not do well in Iowa, I spent very little there – a fraction of Cruz & Rubio. Came in a strong second. Great honor.”


10 Responses

  1. What would he want the media to do when he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue? If they report it, they’re cheperring his kavod. If they don’t they’ll be guilty of molly-coddling him. So it’s a catch 22!

  2. Herr Chump has been preparing this lame excuse about the media ever since he picked a fight with Fox News after the first circus er debate.

  3. Donald Trump is a really smart and successful guy. Many people underestimate him.This country needs a leader that knows what the American people need. Right now Obama has destroyed USA,cut funds for the military,introduced the Affordable Care Act which is a poor excuse for a health insurance plan (which by the way is destroying all the doctors parnasah) and started a think called “Political Correctness” and as a result doesn’t use the term radical Islam. Now he ruined the country and our image in the eyes of all the countries in the world. And now we need to look for a leader to reverse the damage political correctness and leberalism. Looking at the Democratic side we see Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Why is Hillary still in the race?!!? She leaked Top Secret information to our enemies and got the American ambassador killed in Benghazi. The only way she is still in the race is not that she is innocent but because her campaign is corrupted dishonest and volatile. Do you want her for president? I’ll just make everyone’s life easy and end this here. Donald Trump may be crazy or hotheaded or whatever but he is the best we can get and he knows it.And he is at least better than the Democrats. That you need to maskim.

  4. By the way it should be noted that even though Donald Trump came in second place in the Iowa Caucuses he raised $6000000.00 for U.S. veterans. That Chesed shouldn’t go by unnoticed.

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