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Chareidi Parties Tying to Circumvent ‘Core Subjects’ Law of Previous Knesset

gafniShas and Yahadut Hatorah are hoping to push through a law that will undo the law passed by the previous Knesset, a law passed by Bayit Yehudi and Yesh Atid which compels schools receiving state aid to teach students so-called ‘core subjects’, referring to mathematics, English and other basic secular studies.

According to the Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) report, Finance Committee Chairman MK Moshe Gafne is working with MKs Uri Maklev and Yaakov Margi, with the latter heading the Knesset Education Committee, to push the bill ahead.

Upon hearing of the effort, Education Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Naftali Bennett stated he will not permit such a bill to pass into law. However, Gafne is quick to remind Bennett that coalition agreements that he signed compel him to back the law, which will permit chareidi mosdos to decide if they want to include secular studies in their curriculum or not while still receiving state funding.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. They should be allowed to condemn their children to a lifetime of ignorance and poverty without the needed education and skills to earn a parnassah. But why should a single NIS of public funds be expended to support this madness.

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