Beautiful simcha, but I would never have known that it is a sheva brachos. When the vast majority of the pictures and focus is NOT on the chosson and kallah, I would think the evening is more Boyaner Rebbe. The mitzvah is simchas chasson and kallah, not simchas haRav or simchas the in-laws. Just something I always wonder and think about when I witness.
Floridian #1: If the Godol HaDor, Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita or the Chofetz Chaim zt’l attended a simcha, any simcha, outside observers such as the photographer who took these pictures or posted them here would in all likelihood focus on the Godol HaDor. The same point is true, lihavdil elef havdolos, if the President of the United States of America for some reason came to the Sheva Brochos. People would be wowed by his presence.
Same here.
Chuck, I hear you, and I know what you mean. I know that is the situation but when you sit down for a few minutes and think about the truest essence of the simcha, it really does make my question if the reason of the Sheva Brachos is because of the father/fatherinlaw or the chosson and kallah. I would probably be wowed to see a Godol HaDor, but the mitzvah and the right thing to do is make it special for the chosson. I might be radical to say this, but those that aren’t devoting most of their attention to the “right” person, shouldn’t come to the simcha.
I know the Boyaner rebbe personally and was at this simcha myself. I went because I happen to have a close personal connection with this family. He is a tzaddik. He did not choose to become a rebbe, and have such a life style as this. It kind of chose him. He doesn’t like being treated like a celebrity, and having lots of pictures taken and posted everywhere. It just kind of comes with the territory unfortunately. He probably isn’t too happy with all of these photos being up. Many photos of gedolim were taken without permission.
4 Responses
Beautiful simcha, but I would never have known that it is a sheva brachos. When the vast majority of the pictures and focus is NOT on the chosson and kallah, I would think the evening is more Boyaner Rebbe. The mitzvah is simchas chasson and kallah, not simchas haRav or simchas the in-laws. Just something I always wonder and think about when I witness.
Floridian #1: If the Godol HaDor, Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita or the Chofetz Chaim zt’l attended a simcha, any simcha, outside observers such as the photographer who took these pictures or posted them here would in all likelihood focus on the Godol HaDor. The same point is true, lihavdil elef havdolos, if the President of the United States of America for some reason came to the Sheva Brochos. People would be wowed by his presence.
Same here.
Chuck, I hear you, and I know what you mean. I know that is the situation but when you sit down for a few minutes and think about the truest essence of the simcha, it really does make my question if the reason of the Sheva Brachos is because of the father/fatherinlaw or the chosson and kallah. I would probably be wowed to see a Godol HaDor, but the mitzvah and the right thing to do is make it special for the chosson. I might be radical to say this, but those that aren’t devoting most of their attention to the “right” person, shouldn’t come to the simcha.
I know the Boyaner rebbe personally and was at this simcha myself. I went because I happen to have a close personal connection with this family. He is a tzaddik. He did not choose to become a rebbe, and have such a life style as this. It kind of chose him. He doesn’t like being treated like a celebrity, and having lots of pictures taken and posted everywhere. It just kind of comes with the territory unfortunately. He probably isn’t too happy with all of these photos being up. Many photos of gedolim were taken without permission.