NYC: Parts Of Queens Still Buried Under Snow – Where Are The Plows?

qMayor De Blasio called out the New York Sanitation Department for not doing a good enough job cleaning up Queens but the head of the union says “don’t blame us.”

Folks are still trying to dig out of the second largest snowstorm in New York City history. Many streets had not been plowed more than 24 hours after the snow stopped falling. Many streets were impassible.

People were saying that Queens was the forgotten borough. The Twitter hashtag #plowqueens was trending in New York on Monday.

Cars were encased in snow on two narrow streets that have not even caught a glimpse of a plow.

Crews say they have been making progress across the borough, but for local residents, cleanup has still been way too slow.

Sanitation crews were also busy rescuing their own equipment as they were clearing thousands of narrow side streets. The aftermath of the blizzard left ten plow trucks marooned in deep snow, and if the sanitation crews were having trouble, it’s a mess.

The anger intensified throughout Queens as the cleanup began, and Mayor de Blasio admitted the Sanitation Department fell short, thanks to the sheer size and the overwhelming snowfall.

In a phone interview on Fox 5 News on Monday morning, Harry Nespoli, the President of the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association, said the side streets are under contracts by the city to private plow companies who are not doing the job. He says the public workers are not supposed to touch those streets.

Nespoli says he has stated numerous times that those contracts are a waste of money and he’s fighting to get that program ended when the contracts expire at the end of 2016.

A video posted by Robert Caridi (@ig_rob) on

3 Responses

  1. Why don’t the Queens sanitation districts have plow equipped 4 wheel drive pickup trucks as the Brooklyn districts do for narrow and dead end streets?

  2. My street hasn’t been plowed since it started snowing! And now when they finally sent the 4wd pickup it couldn’t go through! It’s a big mess! There is 31/2 ft of snow on the entire block

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