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TONIGHT: Event at Lake Terrace Celebrating 30 Years of Chinuch to Proceed Despite Blizzard – YWN To Stream Event Live

22Despite the snowfall over Shabbos, the massive event scheduled for tonight will go on!

The parents, friends and supporters of the mosdos of Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek will reflect upon, appreciate and celebrate the unadulterated siyata dishmaya that resulted in three decades of chinuch excellence and superb leadership of superb mosdos.

Private crews are on hand to fully plow the area, clear parking lots, and ensure that the event proceeds smoothly. Snowplows and salters are working continuously.

Police officials and Chaverim volunteers will be staffing the event area to ensure the smooth arrival of all guests.

People are asked to carpool to the event if they can. Busses will be circling the main areas of town to transport guests to the event.

More information on the bus routes will be publicized shortly.

The program will begin at 8 p.m. sharp and all guests are asked to arrive on time.

With thousands of people expected, special arrangements have been made to maximize the hall, utilizing the adjacent chupah and kabbolas ponim rooms and utilizing tables that will accommodate the maximum number of guests.

A full sit-down dinner will be served by Greenwald Caterers.

The program will include Tehillim said for Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vdaas Hagaon Rav Yisroel Belsky shlit”a.

A special video featuring contemporary chinuch shailos addressed by gedolei Eretz Yisroel this week special for this event will be shown. The video will feature Rav Yitzchok Zilbertstein, Rav Yitzchok Scheiner and Rav Berel Povarsky.

The Rosh yeshiva Haran Malkiel Kotler will offer divrei Bracha. Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek will address the audience as well.

The highlight of the event will be the keynote address delivered by Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, will be addressing some of the timely issues our community faces. Organizers say that Shlomo Yehuda’s speech is one that they will not want to miss.

Gedolei roshei yeshiva, from across the nation, will be in attendance. Rabbonim and the Lakewood community at large will join in what is sure to be an inspirational event.

Shulem Lemmer and the renowned Shirah Choir will be singing new compositions of Shlomo Yehuda in what promises to be an inspiring performance.

YWN will be hosting the event streaming live on line.

To listen to the program live via telephone, call 641-715-3580 and enter access code 340537.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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