Lakewood Residents Furious After Many Roads Were Not Touched By Plows

lYWN has been receiving many emails from Lakewood residents about streets and roads around the town that were not yet touched by snowplows since the beginning of the storm.

According to an exclusive report by TLS, the Township is already in touch with at least three private plow companies to try and outsource the work.

An official told TLS that despite it having been a big storm, things could have been done better.

The streets were so bad in some areas, that an ambulance was stuck on Sunday morning.

PHOTO VIA @TheLakewoodScoop

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


29 Responses

  1. Ive lived in Lakewood all my life, Lakewood is far far the most incompetent in snow removal always a different excuse. I dont care how much it snowed they knew the storm was coming and they should have prepared. Not only do they not plow they dont put down salt, what good is plowing if it just becomes a sheet of ice after. For some reason all the surrounding towns have clear roads a few hours after the storm but Lakewood can seem to manage. Its time to vote out the incompetence

  2. While many streets are unpaved mine included it seems from pictures that the higher level of hocker status you have in lakewood your streets get paved first another example of how this town is run

  3. After all they will end up paying more for less. This is the work of stupid politicians!!!
    Stop me if you heard this before, stupid politicians, mis manage, poor service and wastes everyone else’s money!!!!

    1. Why can’t they fit every township truck with plows?
    2. Pay people to start plowing from the beginning of the storm, plow NON STOP, up and down the same streets. We will have clean streets, it would be a fast ride as they will basically be pushing a couple of inches of snow every hour, and cost less???
    3. It should be in the contract of township workers, if a snow storm comes, they need to work extra shifts …
    (Privat companies mange to work through storms, there is no reason public workers can’t. It should be part of their contracts.) 4. We don’t need ‘so many’ police officers in this town, especially with their fancy cars…, we rather need our tax dollars for times like these, where the town is frozen, putting everyone in danger without even means for rescue personal to get to them.
    5. People need to get together and say “WE ARE NOT PAYING ANYMORE TAXES, until there are changes in this town!!!! THEY CANNOT ARREST THE WHOLE TOWN!!! We would not have any plowing problems not would we have any bussing problems!!!
    6. FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU, FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME. This keeps happening every year 7. How much longer will the people of this town tolerate this??? I hope not too much longer. We need unity and a good leader to step forward and threaten with our taxes, because that’s the ONLY language these politicians and government officials understand.
    8. Where are the slip and fall lawyers when we need them. Bring litigation against the municipality.. Hit them where it counts, their pocket books…

  4. To eric55. Lakewood residents have to wake up and smell the coffee. Lakewoods streets are not like the surrounding towns there are many many developements that are a labyrinth of tiny dead end streets. You lived in lakewood all your life doesnt-so how do you know its FAR FAR THE MOST incompetent. What are you comparing it to? You dont know anything else. Passaic? Monsey? I say its no better there. Prove otherwise. Lakewood residents just complain more and get furious over everything.

  5. Its really crazy what’s happening in Lakewood most of the streets weren’t plowed the problem is that our politicians arent Worth a penny and the problem is that yeshiva says to vote for somebody all the litfaks run and vote for these people well I’m sure that all the high up guys in yeshiva had their block plowed…..well i have some news for you as soon as the chasidim will be the majority here we will never hear again of a litfushe politician because they are incompetent

  6. what do you expect when the town is run by corrupt leadership and management? Menashe Miller is shomer Shabbos so he can’t be contacted, Sunday he doesn’t work, he’s having fun time with his family playing in the snow. He’s not any better than his big boss Cristie who wanted to stay out of state before the storm hit. I don’t know when people are going to wake up.

  7. BREAKING : LKWD SANITATION DEPT has arranged for plows to come to select locations in town over the next few days. Lkwd homeowners will be able to bring their snow to the locations to have it plowed.

  8. Aren’t you happy you listened to your askanim and voted for these hero’s? After all, YOU pay their salary’s. Good luck.

  9. Sad!
    Mayor Miller is a great guy! This is not one of his strong points, I guess!
    Perhaps the fact that it’s Sunday too, played a part in the non attention. Hey, just know, in Brooklyn it’s not all that great either! I live on East 32 and Ave. K, we haven’t either had much snow attention.

  10. I have no words. Ud think that this storm came as a surprise. The biggest problem in this town is that there’s no transparency whatsoever. Everyone just goes with the flow, no questions asked. In Westgate barely a plow showed up. I just gotta wonder how come it’s almost 36 hours and nothing even stirred. Is there a curfew on the Township!?!?!?

  11. Menashe Miller should get stop using the word seamlessly. We dont have leadership in this town we have to start voting in young new leaders that have some guts, maybe the chasidim stop looking over your shoulder what every goy has to say. As if we dont pay enough taxes.

  12. It’s 12 o’clock in the afternoon and still no plow on my block. It wasn’t this way when judge gertner still lived on my block. Lakewood politics are a joke.

  13. They didn’t even put a brine on the roads? That seems like standard operating procedure nowadays.

    Other than that, in all fairness, road salt wouldn’t have worked well because it would blown away.



  15. Wnd of the day they are trying their best and realize its not NYC and no NYC budget / taxes to fund such a response.

  16. Definition of mayor by “The mayor is the leader of a city. He or she heads the city government. Just as a president leads a country, a mayor leads a city. Like other politicians, mayors must run for office and win an election.” If the town is not run properly i.e. overtaxed, poor job by public works, school busing, etc. then the leadership has to be replaced.

    As long as we adhere to the VAAD on whom to vote for then our leadership will remain the same, don’t expect any changes to any of the needs to this town. If you voted for this leadership then don’t complain either. Your strongest voice is your vote. You want change get all these ribbon cutters out of office for once and for all.

  17. It’s Sunday afternoon here in the Ridge neighborhood of Lakewood, there wasn’t a plow spotted yet. It’s Chaotic here.

  18. A disgrace to publicize this news and opinion of our mayor and committeeman, just last night a video of much pride was showing how the DPW was being used and quote “working so seamlessly” with emergency personnel. If we go in and high jack the DPW with emergencies, they are 100% innocent here( I agree that emergencies go first), but innocent they are. I’m sorry, a mayor directing cleanup services is the bigger blasting, that admits from the start that someone is not competent to do their job and our Mayor will take over (recall the hype when Mayor Miller slipped on ice and took much pride coordinating and briefing from hospital….sickly all about hype and credit.) Losers, delegate to competent people and our Mayor can do a job of a Mayor like have coffee today with developers and work through another deal to the towns benefit (ha.ha.)
    – See more at:

  19. Obviously Lakewood is being punished en mass because someone, someplace has a smart phone.
    Or maybe it’s because of the way you guys treat local kids that don’t fit into your cookie cutter schools….like they have leprosy.
    Or maybe it’s because of your holier than thou attitude when talking about people that work for a living.

    Or maybe it’s just because New Jersey has a chazoka of being the most corrupt state since sheishes yimei bereishus.

    Either way, you shouldn’t be in the streets anyway. They are tomei. Sit home and learn.

  20. Hey, big-talking Lakewood Chusid, read the articles here about how snow removal was(n’t) handled in Williamsburg, and why, and then tell us again how things will be better in Lakewood once you guys take over.

  21. While I will not say that the township has done a superb job clearing the streets, clearly they didn’t, here are a few lessons to be learned for next time:
    1) When all the meteorologists predict the potential for a massive storm, one should assume that there is potential for a massive storm and should prepare accordingly.
    2) When there is a massive storm, and they tell you STAY OFF THE ROAD or THERE IS A STATE OF EMERGENCY, IT IS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE, one should stay off the road and not drive (there are other ways to teach mesiras nefesh for Torah).
    3) When there is a storm of epic proportions, the type of storm that we see once a decade, it will take a little longer than it takes for the regular storms, more snow means that there is more to clean up. If it’s not cleaned up within the first few hours after its stops snowing (1:00 AM), let’s all try to be a little bit patient and stay out for a day until the place gets cleaned up.

  22. Oh, I can’t wait till the chasidim get here. No bussing? No problem, September 2nd you’ll have 4,500 kids at the front door of the elementary school waiting to be placed. A string of robberies in town? Not a problem. We’ll have 5 or 6 thousand people standing in front of the police station demanding more police protection.
    The BMG people that run this town will be cowering in their corners from incompetence; they won’t know what hit them.

  23. @antibias I was actually in Monsey and in Lakewood today. You cannot compare the two. There is not a speck of snow on the streets in Monsey because there were trucks plowing the entire shabbos. Lakewood is an embarrassment and the local government should be ashamed of themselves. The main roads are a disaster and the side streets are completely impossible. You would think this is Florida and they are unequipped to deal with the snow. Its time Lakewood got their act together because the infrastructure in this town is terrible and it is because of the corruption that goes on here.

  24. For some reason, the public school has been being cleaned round clock since the storm started and now its perfectly clean. And the sidewalks are perfectly snowblowed .
    All of Lakewoods tax money, but the streets are terrible!!

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