Sanders: I’d Win If Bloomberg Runs as 3rd Party

blom2Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders says he’ll win the race for president if former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg becomes an independent candidate for the White House.

The Vermont senator tells CBS’ “Face the Nation” that a battle between Bloomberg and Donald Trump, two New York billionaires, would favor Sanders’ upstart Democratic campaign in a general election.

First, Sanders would have to win the Democratic presidential nomination against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Trump would have to triumph over his Republican rivals. And Bloomberg would have to actually launch an independent bid for president, something he threatened to do on Saturday. The voting in the major-party nominating contests begins in a week, with the Feb. 1 Iowa Caucuses.


7 Responses

  1. No actually Bloomberg would be getting liberal left voters Democrats taking votes from them. Republicans no him for who he is no salt no soda no baby formula etc as per a mayor he was not that good left nyc no better then before. Oh yeah higher taxes and more welfare guess Williamsburg will vote for him

  2. Someone gotta tell this communist to calm down. Let’s do some math. If 29% of this country identifies as Democrat and he has something like 33%.that puts him at like 10% of this country. So someone gotta tell this cranky whining old Jewish communist that he may win in mother Russia. But unfortunately for him the ussr ain’t around no more and what us left is controlled by comrade putin. So good luck old fool!!!

  3. Sanders is probably thinking like this:

    Trump voters are not really into Trump’s ideas as much as they are into him as a personality and image – brash, bold, rich, etc. If that is the case, then another hard talking billionaire would take voters away from Trump.

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