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Lakewood: Preparations Continue for Memorable Appreciation Event for Rav Shlomo Chaim Kanarek

22[By: A. Melamud]

The world of corporate commerce is no stranger to high profile mergers, the object of which is clear as day – each party looking to salvage, solidify or advance their own fiscal position. In their quest for financial gain or stronghold, executives will constantly meet, confer and network, but always with the same self-centered goal in mind.

In stark contrast, the commercial world of Torah and tzedaka, represented by the multitudes of mosdos and organizations follows an extremely different set of directives. The mishna in Maseches Sanhedrin tells us, “Kinus l’tzadikim, hanaah l’hem v’hanaah l’olam.”  The primary focus of such a conference is the furtherance of a particular cause – benefiting Klal Yisroel and ultimately, leading to greater k’vod shamayim.

The many personalities that have shaped the landscape of American Jewry, both past and present, all have a common attribute – total selflessness and dedication to others. Across the spectrum of Yiddishkeit, this rule steadfastly holds true.

Few individuals can claim a larger role in the building of mosdos hachinuch, as Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek. Rabbi Kanarek has repeatedly risen to the challenge borne of Lakewood’s explosive growth. As did Chizkiyahu Hamelech in his time, Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek has declared his life’s mission, “Alai l’hukim.”  Never one to watch idly as others act, Rabbi Kanarek has acted timely and decisively to provide the children of Lakewood with chinuch excellence – six times over: three chadorim for boys, two elementary schools and a high school for girls.  (One might very well dub Rabbi Kanarek the modern day Rav Shraga Feivel Mendelovitz). His mission is as clear as his passion: achrayus- responsibility. Responsibility that does not allow for complacency or even adequacy. Enough is not enough as long as there still remains a need.

For so many of us who have traditionally expected leadership in Yiddishkeit to belong principally to the Eastern seaboard, the thrust of the city of Los Angeles into the limelight came as quite a surprise.  In a few short years, LA-born and bred Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz has become a household name for Yidden across the globe. Perhaps the greatest supporter of Torah and chesed internationally, Shlomo Yehuda has redefined the meaning of giving and, more importantly, has exemplified caring. Yeshivos, mosdos, organizations and individuals have come to rely on Shlomo Yehuda as more than just a supporter. Far more than merely sufficing with a generous check, Shlomo Yehuda is the quintessential friend, with his listening ear and enormous heart.

In addition to Shlomo Yehuda’s global activism on a myriad of causes, of particular interest to him is the chinuch of Lakewood’s children – all of Lakewood’s children, every last one. In fact, Shlomo Yehuda has been actively involved in many aspects of chinuch – especially school placement for individual boys and girls. While someone else might rightfully say, “Enough,” Shlomo Yehuda says, “Let’s go.” Using every one of his many resources, Shlomo Yehuda figures out the nature of the need and, with his decisive leadership skills, spearheads the drive to resolution, time and again.

Shlomo Yehuda’s mission is as clear as his passion: achrayus- responsibility. Responsibility that does not allow for complacency or even adequacy. Enough is not enough as long as there still remains a need.

When East meets West, good things are in store. The keen friendship between Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek and Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz is built upon their mutual goals and feelings of responsibility. Kinus l’tzadikim, hanaah l’hem v’hanaah l’olam.

This Sunday, January 24th, the parents, friends and supporters of the mosdos of Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek will reflect upon, appreciate and celebrate the unadulterated siyata dishmaya that resulted in three decades of chinuch excellence and superb leadership of superb mosdos. Noted mechanech, author and lecturer, Rabbi Yechiel Spero, will be the featured speaker. Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz will be addressing some of the timely issues our community faces. Gedolei Roshei Yeshiva, from across the nation, many of whom have or previously had children and grandchildren in Rabbi Kanarek’s mosdos, will be in attendance.  Rabbonim and the Lakewood community at large will join in what is sure to be an inspirational event. Come listen and be inspired by the giants of spirit and achrayus and hear what is in store as they continue to blaze the trail of responsibility for the future of Klal Yisroel and ultimately are marbeh k’vod shamayim.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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