CNN Poll: Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders Rise To Solid Leads In New Poll Of Likely Caucus-Goers In Iowas

2016A new CNN/ORC Poll of likely caucus-goers in Iowa finds Donald Trump with a solid lead over Ted Cruz, 37% to 26%. Marco Rubio is the only other Republican candidate in double-digits, at 14%, ahead of the February 1 caucuses.

Bernie Sanders leads the Democratic race there with an 8 percentage point edge over Hillary Clinton, 51% to 43%.

However, among those who say they participated in the 2012 Republican caucuses, the race is a virtual dead heat, with Cruz at 30% and Trump at 28%. And among those Democrats who say they turned out in 2008, Clinton holds a 55% to 38% lead over Sanders.

(Source: CNN)

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