Minister Ariel on the Ongoing Wave of Palestinian Terror

arielAgriculture Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel was interviewed by Arutz-7 Radio on Wednesday, 10 Shevat. He was asked to comment on the ongoing wave of Palestinian terror attacks, including the attacks this week; the one in Otniel that claimed the life of Mrs. Dafne Meir HY”D and the attack that left 4.5-month pregnant Mrs. Michal Fruman of Tekoa wounded from a knife attack.

As a former head of the Settlement Council, Ariel was asked what can and should be done to provide additional security for the Jewish residents of Yehuda and Shomron, and if this is at all possible today.

Ariel says that not only is this possible, but it is necessary. He feels the Arabs are not acting out of despair but out of a hope that for as long as they continue striking out, they will cause us to despair and abandon these areas to them. He adds that during the years the nation was built there were many difficult times and the Arabs have always been given the option of leaving or remaining as loyal citizens.

At present he feels this is not about invested more in road infrastructure or improving conditions but about doing more and going on the offensive and not just responding to attacks.


Is Education Minister Bennett correct? Do we have to change our thinking?


There is no question that change is required. I have said this many times. For one thing, Arabs must be blocked from using certain roads, roads that they have used repeatedly to perpetrate attacks. This is not discrimination but a proper response to attacks but this is yet to be done. This does not require additional forces or money, but a decision.

I agree with the IDF chief and there is no need for collective punishment but if one looks at Tapuach, Beit Anoun and other junctions, the attacks continue and we are yet to make the necessary decisions. There are roadblocks and closures but too short lived. Things have changed and we have to respond differently. Why do we have to continue to suffer? Why do we continue passing funds to the PA (Palestinian Authority)? They owe enormous sums for electric. Why is the PA not compelled to pay? Who made this decision?

Regarding Bennett’s remarks that the F-35s will not help combat terror, he is correct but these planes will help in a future war and we must prepare ourselves for future terror and wars, for all eventualities and not one at the expense of the other.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. While all your suggestions might be good but you forgot to add , every time jews are in a tzura we look up to Hashem and pray. Let’s all pray together for peace and safety after all it’s only Hashem that is in control over his world

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