The Biggest Segulah for Parnassah is Supporting Parnassah

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So what was the big deal with the Powerball?

It’s only money, right?

Well, as our country’s reaction shows, parnassah is pretty important.

You know.

Maybe you’ve been through hard times yourself. Or you’ve seen how families suffer from the lack of a good parnassah. In extremes cases, the consequences of financial strain can get ugly; families thrown out of their homes, couples divorce, kids off the derech, and stress and mental health problems.


Here at Parnassah Network, people reach out to use every day asking us to save their marriages, their lives, their families by helping them with their parnassa.
Requests for help comes from all over the world, from people in all fields and stages of life. Some own their own businesses and others are employed. The  one thing they all have in common is that they areworking hard to afford things like tuition, the needs of an elderly parent, paying the mortgage and feeding their family.We help them by giving them the tools they need to provide for themselves and their families Our programs allow people  to be self-sufficient and provide for themselves. To date we’ve helped over18,000 families; and the requests for help don’t stop.

We want to help more people which is why we are asking you to help us raise $100,000. The money you donate will let us continue our work alleviating parnassah struggles in our community by allowing us to provide more of thebusiness coaching , job trainings ,professional development , networking opportunities  job resources , business services , and business seminars  that have helped so many already.

The Rambam in his Mishnah Torah describes the highest level of Tzedakah as giving someone the ability to support themselves so they shouldn’t have to depend on others. This week of Parshas Ha’Man, you can participate in the the highest form of Tezedaka and help thousands of people support themselves as a Segula for parnassah  for yourself  and your family.


By helping Parnassah Network you will help keep thousands of Jewish homes healthy and stable.

Donate now and be a part of our work strengthening Jewish families and helping individuals support themselves.

Visit our website  for more information on our nonprofit’s innovative programs and initiatives! ‌

Support Parnassah Today!

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