Classy Confections: Your Affection… Our Confections



Classy Confections specializes in elegant and tasty miniatures, gorgeous cakes and cupcakes, and simply enticing home-made brownies and cinnamon buns! We have customers who send gifts to family and friends’ simchos, or order cakes and miniatures for their own simcha, as well as those who want to send baked goods with a taste of home to their sons, daughters, or friends.

When Mrs. R., administrator of my daughter’s seminary and our cousin, married off her daughter, I wanted to contribute in some way to the Shabbos sheva brachos,” says Mrs. Rivki N. of Lakewood. “I ordered a gorgeous strawberry shortcake, which looked like an enticing piece of art! When we made a bar mitzvah in Israel a few months later, I asked my sister-in-law to order that same strawberry shortcake for dessert, and it tasted as good as it looked!”

Mr. Steve Belkin, from Cleveland, placed a standing order for a Shabbos platter of brownies to be sent to his two yeshiva bochurim every week. When two months were up, he said, “They love them; keep it going until the first week in April.”

From elegant cupcakes to delicate mini trifles, dainty petit fours and gorgeous cakes, you can set up a full dessert table for your own simcha. Or order the same delicious miniatures arranged on elegant giftware and beautifully wrapped for a relative’s simcha or a thank you gift for a rebbi! With our special flair and attention to detail, Classy Confections will take care of your simcha needs completely, ensuring that your order is delivered to the door beautifully wrapped!

Bracha F. from Baltimore ordered a large platter of flower swirl cupcakes in pinks, purple and white for her niece’s kiddush. “My brother in Yerushalayim was making a kiddush on Shabbos and the six siblings in America wanted to contribute. I called Devorah Rivka Shafran, from whom I had previously ordered a Purim package, and she took care of sending a stunning platter with a note from all of us. My brother and sister-in-law said the cupcakes were scrumptious and luscious- they look gorgeous from the picture! – and I really appreciate your flexibility and hard work!”

We also offer specials to enhance your family’s Yom Tov: desserts for Succos, fresh American-style doughnuts for Chanuka, and soon to be displayed on our website, impressive Purim packages.

Why use Classy Confections? Mrs. Raizel Birnbaum, from Flatbush, a loyal customer, explains, “Although there are many businesses that offer this service, I am comfortable ordering from Classy Confections, because I have known Devorah Rivka and her family for years. Her father is a rebbi in Baltimore, her husband is learning in the Mir, and she uses exclusively Badatz ingredients.”

If you have relatives or friends living in Israel, take a look at our website, and see for yourself! You can sign up your email address to receive news of Devorah Rivka’s specials! As one devoted fan put it, “you will probably head to your fridge or nearest bakery after seeing the mouthwatering photos.” But you can send the real thing to your relatives and friends in Israel….. so looking forward to hearing from you!


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