High Court Rejects New Challenge To Obama Health Overhaul

obcThe Supreme Court has rejected another challenge to President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.

The justices on Tuesday left in place lower court rulings that dismissed a lawsuit against the national health care law. The suit argues that the law violates the provision of the Constitution that requires tax-raising bills to originate in the House of Representatives.

The court has twice turned back major challenges to the law, in opinions written by Chief Justice John Roberts in 2012 and in June. The court also has allowed family-owned businesses with religious objections to opt out of paying for contraceptives for women covered under their health plans. The Pacific Legal Foundation backed the latest lawsuit, filed on behalf of small-business owner Matt Sissel.


3 Responses

  1. B”H the court did the right thing.
    Frivolous lawsuits against the most important legislation in the last 50 years has got to stop.
    Perhaps if the plaintiffs oin such cases were made to pay ALL legal bills for both sides, they would stop this nonsense.
    While the ACA is not perfect, it is better than what we had before.

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