State Dept. Condemns Recent terror Attacks In Strongest Possible Terms

dosWe condemn in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks over the past two days against Israeli civilians. We were appalled and deeply saddened by the death of Dafna Meir, a mother of six, who was attacked on Sunday in her own home. We extend our deepest condolences to her family, friends and community. Today, a pregnant Israeli woman, Michal Froman, was stabbed in the West Bank. We wish her a full and complete recovery. These horrific incidents underscore the importance of affirmative steps to restore calm, reduce tensions and bring an immediate end to the violence.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. How come no call on abbas to reduce the rhetoric and to take positive steps towards peace? How come no call for abbas to bring the perpetrators to justice? Woefully inadequate. just pitiful

  2. Those affirmative steps should include putting the Palestinian Authoiry on the list of sponsors of terror as they pay stipends to terrorists and their families and for years engaged in incitement to violence against Jews! It includes CUTTING THE Hundreds of Millions the US sends the PA annually! It includes Stopping the Charade that the PA is a Peace Partner! I sent last night an on lin epetition to Agudah, OU, ADL, AJC, AIPAC, UJA , ZOA and JNF to FINALLY DEMAND CONCRETE REPERCUSSIONS and No More Empty Condemnations wen the PA is obviously not a reformed PLO! As Jewish mothers of 6 and Jewish pregnant women are being stabbbed lets see what our Jewish Organizations are doing under the Obama Admin!

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