HUGE! 13 Pound Baby Born In Bnei Brak

mtA baby weighing in at 6kg (13.22 lbs) was delivered by C-section in Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak on Sunday, 7 Shevat.

Hospital officials report the mother delivered five other children, all above average birth weight, adding mom is a diabetic. The decision for the C-section was made to avoid placing both mom and the child at risk.

Dr. Gil Pomp, who is Chief of GYN emergency room explained to Walla News a baby weighing about 4.5kg was expected and due to that weight, the decision was made not to have a natural birth for at such a size, there could be significant difficulty delivering the head and shoulders. He explains his team was ready for any eventuality.

It is also added that all moms that are diabetic during pregnancy are monitored more carefully and in this case, the mother and baby were carefully monitored throughout the pregnancy.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “The decision for the C-section was made to avoid placing both mom and the child at risk.”

    Unfortunately, the diabetic mother and baby are already at very great risk and face lifetimes of health problems.

    Very sad.

    I’m sure everything they eat is mehadrin min hamehadrin, but what is being done to help the mother and, most likely her husband, develop the skills and discipline to follow a healthy lifestyle?

  2. #1, Syog Lachochma Shtikah.
    You obviously didn’t listen to Chazal and you rattled off your loose to inge with hurling insults at people who you do not know and at a situation you are not involved in. So for future reference keep your trap shut and we will all be better off for it.
    BtW, Mazal Tov to the family
    May they have much nachas from their new born

  3. So nice How Shlomo is passing judgement. And ” likely her husband too” ..maybe they eat only vegetables? .. Pray tell where you’re basing your info on?

  4. Shlomo 2,
    Why are you assuming the mom will face a lifetime of health issues?! Mom may possibly have gestational diabetes which will pass after pregnancy – which ‘by the way’ gestational diabetes is the common cause of an ‘above average weight’ newborn.. Moreover, no baby is born with diabetes! Why would you assume the baby will face a lifetime of health issues! Are you chas veshalom wishing it on them??! The point of the article was that thankfully all went well at the birth.. We should all say ‘mazel tov’ and wish them well and health!
    It’s time for the commenters to be a bit more sensitive about their comments – this is in general…
    Just saying..

  5. I don’t understand. One of my sons was 14 lbs, was born with no problems, natural birth with LaMaze, and mother and child were fine.

    So what is the big deal here?????

  6. Shlomo2 who says she is not already following a healthy lifestyle? Two you seem to think that if they had healthy lifestyle she would not have diabetes this is not necessarily true as it is hereditary if its type 2. 3 who says she doesn’t have type one?

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