Tragedy in Betar Illit: Toddler Found Dead R’L

candle914Another tragedy in Eretz Yisrael, this time in Betar Illit. A two-year-old boy died on Sunday morning 7 Shevat in Betar Illit. EMS was summoned to the home during the predawn hours, arriving on Chozeh M’Lublin Street and transporting the small child to a hospital while CPR was performed.

EMS personnel who were on the scene stated it appears it was a crib death.

Despite the efforts of EMS personnel, the child was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Again, as a parent of a SIDS baby, my sincerest condolences baby who niftar with SIDS. Please remind all parents of newborns to put their infants to sleep on their backs not stomachs. It has been shown to reduce the SIDS rate VERY significantly. Of course, we all lay down to sleep and wake up B’CHasdei Hashem but we need to do our hishtadlus.

  2. Something strange is going on here. This is the third or fourth “crib death” r”l in the past few weeks. Crib deaths (SIDS) typically occur between ages one month to 12 months, with most occurring between two to four months. It’s very rare, unlikely, for a two year old to be niftar from SIDS.
    May Hashem be menachem the family.

  3. What a horrific string of tragedies – strikingly so within the frum community worldwide – deaths of babies, children, young adults and parents in the prime of their lives – and when the terror attacks slowed down somewhat, sudden deaths of young people increased. We don’t seem to be getting the message, so Hashem is not letting up – He seems to be determined to get through to us.
    Every person knows his own faults – introspection is not a communal activity. But as a global community, we also need to do lots of soul searching. The Bais Hamikdash was destroyed because of sinas chinam and lashon hara, but the fires of machlokes are burning out of control – could that be a factor in the current makka of untimely deaths? Ein kli machzik bracha ela hashalom…

    An unimportant aside, but possibly a chessed to parents of 2-year-olds who will now worry about their child being a risk for dying from SIDS – it’s hard to believe that it’s the correct diagnosis. SIDS strikes babies from 1 month to 1 year, peaking at 2-4 months. It’s more likely an infection that overwhelmed the body or some unexplained cause (besides for the real reason of it being a gezeira from Hashem). That it’s a great comfort to the parents who lost a child, but you don’t have to be afraid of a 2-year-old sleeping on his stomach, for example.
    May Hashem say ENOUGH to our tzarros and bring the geulah bimheira beyameinu, amein.

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