Irgun Kvod Shomayim – Standing up For Hashem’s Honor

Screenshot_2016-01-10-11-46-56_1[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] 

Irgun Kvod Shomayim (“IKS”) is a tax-exempt organization that campaigns forAcheinu Beis Yisroel to improve our behavior and conduct in shul.

IKS is a grass-roots effort started by a few individuals (all of whom work full time elsewhere and volunteer their efforts for the organization) who want to restore the supremacy of k’vod shomayim and make it foremost in people’s minds.

Our goal is to inspire people to improve their actions that recognize Him and show Him respect and refrain from behaviors that detract from it.

Our current campaign involves encouraging people to concretize their commitment to end Hashem’s pain by publicly pledging to refrain from talking and to turn off cell phones during davening.

In support of this action, IKS has gathered numerous short audio clips from Gedolei Yisroel requesting that people take these pledges, bli neder, and STOP the greatest tzaar haShchinah. These brief audio clips are available in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew, and can be accessed via telephone at 1-855-400-5164 (in Israel at 1-809-315670) and via our website

Hear directly from the Gedolei Yisroel about this most important effort.

2 Responses

  1. About time someone actually stood up for hashems honor and is really attempting to stem the tide, and stop this epidemic in its tracks!!!!!!!
    Kol hakovod!!!

  2. The supremacy of kvod shomayim will only truly be restored when moshiach comes and the bais hamikdash is rebuilt. Chazal clearly say that the second bais hamikdash was destroyed because of sinas chinam and wont be rebuilt till we as a nation correct this problem. I suggest that we put all of our efforts into correcting the root cause of chilul Hashem which is sinas chinam. If we put our brothers and sisters foremost in our minds and learn to love them as ourselves we as a nation can bring moshiach which will bring the ultimate redemption of kvod shomayim. I want to add that I am not criticizing the efforts of this organization and I agree that there is a problem of lack of kavod in shul. However I believe it is a symptom of the deeper issue we face of sinas chinam and ending talking in shul will not fully restore kvod shomayim.

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