Chabad Shluchim in France to Distribute Yarmulkes for Yidden to Wear on French Streets

yarmAmid calls from a prominent Jewish official in Marseille calling on Jews to stop wearing yarmulkes in public, Chabad shaliach in Paris Rabbi Levi Matusof announces he will distribute yarmulkes for people to wear.

In an interview with Arutz-7 News, Rabbi Matusof explained shluchim around France will be distributing yarmulkes, for that is their response to the recent terror attacks. he stressed that no one is about to compromise their Avodas Hashem and they will continue in the future as they conducted themselves in the past. He proudly explained that more and more Jews are becoming aware and putting on tefilin and wearing a yarmulke.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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