Rav Lau to French Jewry: Continue Wearing Your Kippot

lauA leading Jewish figure in Marseille this week called on Jews to stop wearing yarmulkes on the streets for the community’s safety as life is becoming increasingly dangerous for Jews in that country.

The European Jewish Association (EJA) responded with its call, instructing Jews to continue wearing yarmulkes on the streets of France as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

Echoing the calls of the EJA is Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau Shlita, who calls on Yidden in Marseilles and elsewhere in France to continue wearing yarmulkes in public. Rabbi Lau made his remarks during a brief, 48-hour visit to Europe that included a meeting with the heads of the European Union and European Jewish leaders.

In a meeting with President of the EU Parliament, Martin Schulz, attended by representatives of the Foreign Ministry, during which the Chief Rabbi noted “The Jewish situation in for Jews in some European countries has become an impossible one and everything possible must be done to increase their personal security. The very fact that calls to refrain from wearing a kippa or other major Jewish signs in public, such as a fedora and tzitzis point to an intolerable situation”.

Rav Lau explained that he does not plan to enter into any disputes between the EU and Israel, adding that there can be criticism among friends, yet there will be those who prefer to interpret this criticism as hostility and hatred. He advises acting in the fashion of Chachmei Yisrael, who said generations ago, ‘Chachamim, be wary of your words’” (חכמים, היזהרו בדברכם).

Upon leaving Rabbi Lau responded to a number of questions from the media, including a request to respond to the call to refrain from wearing a yarmulke in public. Rabbi Lau stated “I call on every Jew to continue as you are accustomed to day to day”.

In a related matter, Yisrael Hayom quotes French President Francois Hollande saying “It is intolerable that in our country citizens should feel so upset and under assault because of their religious choice that they would conclude that they have to hide.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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