Rabbi Pinto: My Body is Weakening – Please be Mispallel for Me

pintoSpeaking at a yahrzeit event on Wednesday night the eve of 4 Shevat, the yahrzeit the Baba Sali ZT”L, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto surprised many when he announced he is growing weaker, calling on the tzibur to be mispallel for him. With the Supreme Court recently rejecting his appeal, the rav will soon be entering prison to serve a one-year term as was agreed to in his plea bargain agreement.

“My health is poor” said the rav, adding “The body is going and I grow weaker by the day and I will have to undergo difficult chemotherapy to fight off the cancer in my prostate and lymph nodes”.

He called on the tzibur “Please daven to HKBH the healer so that I will merit seeing the small children grow in Torah and Yiras Shomayim”.

Rabbi Pinto was addressing dozens of talmidim and followers in Beit Knesset Tiferet Yochai.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Is YWN a gossip site ? If so, if the nature of the article is mentioning davening for the Rov, then why is his name for davening not mentioned ???

  2. His name is יאשיהו יוסף בן זהרי people don’t realize how sincere of an eved HaShem this man is. Please Daven for his well being and that the reshaim in the Israeli government leave him alone.

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