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Germany to Lease Drones from Israel in 2018

dronGermany, a staunch ally of Israel, has announced that in 2018 it will be leasing five Heron TP drones from Israel instead of purchasing them from the US. The drones that are leased will be stationed in Israel, leased from Israel Aerospace Industries.

In fact, just this week, Israel received its fifth German-made submarine, the INS Rahav. In his address during the ceremony, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu explained that Germany’s cooperation with Israel is instrumental, and has placed the Israel Navy alongside major naval powers regarding technological abilities due to the advanced submarines it has built. Following the arrival of the latest vessel, it will be outfitted with some classified advanced blue and white technology and weaponry to complete the package.

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen made the announcement earlier this week, opting to lease rather than to close a deal to purchase drones from General Dynamics, preferring to seal the €580 million deal with Israel.

Germany is no stranger to these drones, having acquired earlier models which today serve in Afghanistan. The Heron TP drones are currently unarmed but can be armed in the future, which the German Defense Minister explains is an asset down the line towards protecting its forces in the field.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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