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John Kerry Thanks Iranians After Sailors Freed

kerU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has thanked Iran for ending what could have been a crisis involving the Islamic Republic holding 10 U.S. sailors, who have now been freed.

Kerry said in a statement on Wednesday: “That this issue was resolved peacefully and efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure and strong.”

Kerry has a close relationship with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif after the recent nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and world powers.

The nine American men and one woman were held in an Iranian base on Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf after being detained nearby on Tuesday. The U.S. military has said that mechanical trouble with one of the boats caused them to drift into Iranian territorial waters near the island, where they were picked up by Iran.


3 Responses

  1. He emasculates the US Navy by not permitting them to defend their ships, and then he emasculates it some more by giving praise and thanks to the terrorist regime. What a dunce.

  2. That 10 of our sailors were captured is not a crisis!!?
    This doofus is a less intelligent person that I have previously perceived him to be!
    He thanks them for freeing them??? Why not punish them in the first place for holding them prisoner for the duration – even though it was only a day! Thank them!! Praise them!! He’s nuts!

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