Hillary’s Opposite Advisors on Israel – Rabbi Genack vs. Max Blumenthal

hBy Boaz Channing for OnlySimchas.com:

Who are Hillary Clinton’s advisers on Israel?

On the one hand, it seems that she is friendly with Rabbi Menachem Genack, a very strong advocate for Israel. Rabbi Genack and Hillary’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, enjoy a very strong bond. President Clinton was a plus for Israel.

The fact that Rabbi Genack has come out in support for Hillary is a good thing too.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton values the advice of a certain Max Blumenthal, a rabidly anti-Israel activist.

Recent information released by the Hillary email scandal is kind of scary. In her communications with Sidney lumenthal, a close family friend of the Clintons, there are anti-Israel writings and opinions, many of which came from the pen or laptop of Sidney’s son, Max Blumenthal.

Max is a self-declared “anti-Zionist,” known for his active support of the BDS movement.

He actually calls for the dismantling of the state of Israel.

Max wrote a book caled Goliath, Life and Loathing in Greater Israel. It is filled with anti-Israel propaganda.

J.J. Goldberg of The Forward described this work as an “unpleasant book.” David Duke, on the other hand, praised it warmly.

Hillary must quickly distance herself from Blumenthal and embrace the pro-Israel stances of Rabbi Genack or she will likely lose the Jewish vote.

(Source: OnlySimchas.com)

7 Responses

  1. After 8 years of Obama why would one still think like a Na’ar??

    Their hearts and pockets are with the Muslims, and their morals do not exist… The Jewish left they’ll get anyway, just as Obama got Ed Kotch and Hillary still got R’ Genack…

    No, it isn’t a “good thing” R’ Genack supports Clinton, even not strategically, because it sends a strong message of weakness. It’s shouting: “Go ahead, trample on our values, embrace our enemies, reduce our security and ridicule those who support our values and security – and we’ll support you anyway.”

  2. I’ll believe Hillary loses Jewish vote over this when I see it. American Jews have so entrenched liberal values into their way of thinking that liberalism is their real religion. That’s how such people as Blumenthal get their energy. There are lots more like him. That’s how you get such anti-heroes as Rachel Corry who lay down in front of a bulldozer to prevent demolishing a terrorist’s house. Even if Hillary publicly disavows Blumenthal, I have no doubt that he will remain an adviser, specifically on how to attract more anti-Semitic Jews like himself.

  3. RE: “President Clinton was a plus for Israel.” ?

    After this scheigitz invited Arafat (Yamach Shmo) to the White House more than 2000 Yiden have been murdered. If that was a “plus” i hate to see the “minus”.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me that Jews fall for such baloney. Hillary’s e-mail showed that she was planning to incite the Arabs to force Israel into make dangerous concessions.

    This is a clear example of the Left’s misleading tactics in making people believe one thing while they are doing the opposite, by having “advisors who they don’t listen too but are good cover for them.

    I would think that people, especially Jews, would have the seichel to have figured it out by now.

  5. What a foolish and naive article. Hillary surrounds herself with mooslims and anti-Jewish advisors (ie.Huma Mahmood Abedin, Max Blumenthal, etc.).

    Then she uses some Jews such as Rabbi Menachem Genack for her campaign who have no bearing on her official positions.

    Blumenthal was in the loop on previous Hillary scandals like Benghazi. Abedin was in the loop too. Where was Genack?

    Politicians USE whomever they can when needed, especially when they become desperate.

    Rabbi Genack, stick to kashrus. Leave politics to those who know what they’re talking about.

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