French Jewish Businessman Wearing Yarmulka Attacked In Germany By Refugees

yarmA man wearing a Yarmulka was attacked and robbed in Germany in a anti-Semitic attack by refugees from Syria and Afghanistan on the island of Puttgarden.

The victim was a 49 year old French businessman who was pushed to the floor and robbed by the attackers as they yelled “Yahud’ which is Arabic for Jew. They took his shoulder bag that contained money, a cellphone and other valuables.

Police later arrested the attackers. They were released with the requirement that they report for a court hearing when called.

The 30-year-old Syrian and 19-year-old Afghani were arrested aboard a train heading to a refugee shelter in Neumünster, Germany. They reportedly had wanted to travel to Denmark on Friday but were turned back for lack of proper identification papers.

In 2015, an estimated 800,000 refugees from war-torn Muslim countries sought asylum in Germany. Denmark and Sweden have recently reintroduced border controls to stop refugees from pouring in from Germany.

Josef Schuster, leader of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said recently that while openness to refugees is admirable, care must be taken to defuse and eradicate the anti-Semitic indoctrination that some Arab refugees might have brought with them from their home countries.

(Source: EJP)

4 Responses

  1. And we are so lucky to have these wonderful refugees coming to an American city near you! Where they can do the same! If you don’t want to go to an Islamic city to be mistreated, just bring the people here to you!

  2. The Torah says that right before Moshiach comes, there will be a short period of Golus Ishmael, which appears to be coming true. I hope it will be a very, very short period and Moshiach should come quickly. We can increase our acts of goodness and kindness to bring Moshiach quicker.

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