Sullivan County Admits Error In Cancelling Rregistrations Of Chasidic Voters

votenAfter a year of legal wrangling, a group of Chasidic Jewish residents of Bloomingburg, NY settled their case for their legal right to vote. On Friday, January 8th Sullivan County admitted that it had not followed New York State Election Law when it cancelled the registrations of more then 25 Jewish voters. Judge Stephan H. Schick of the New York State Supreme Court signed the stipulation, and the voters dropped their Article 78 suit against the county. A federal suit alleging discrimination against Chasidic Jewish residents by the Sullivan County Board of Elections continues to move forward.

Thomas Garry, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said, “It is most unfortunate that voters needed court action to exercise their rights, but we are satisfied this settlement will ensure the constitutionally protected rights of our clients.”

The Bloomingburg Jewish Community Council echoed this sentiment in their statement on the settlement: “We are pleased that on the eve of our court appearance, Sullivan County has admitted that the Board of Elections wrongfully cancelled the votes of dozens of Bloomingburg’s Chasidic Jewish voters.”

(YWN Sullivan County Newsroom)

4 Responses

  1. Can you imagine if this was a group of Blacks? Obama, sharpton and all the other democrat sycophants would have been all over this story.

  2. Now can you just imagine the outcry if the County tried that with blacks?! The world would end as we know it. Obama would of weighed in saying the County acted “stupidly”. Loretta Lynch would of opened an investigation. Sharpton & Co. would be rioting in the streets. But alas, its only a couple of Orthodox Chassidic Jews. Nu nu. Everything is alright.

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