PHOTOS: Ribbon-Cutting Inaugurates Handicapped Vans to Community; Funded by Congressman Jerry Nadler


[By Ezra Friedlander]

Elected officials including State Senator Simcha Felder and Councilman Brad Lander joined with community leaders and organizational heads marking the delivery of special handicapped accessible transport vans to benefit the community, a joint project of Boro Park Jewish Community Council, a major provider of social services for the Boro Park community and Hamaspik of Kings County, a provider for children and adults with special needs. Indeed, as community residents looked on, dignitaries gathered to cut the ribbon inaugurating specialty handicapped accessible transit vans. These vehicles, funded through a grant from Congressman Jerrold Nadler are specially outfitted, handicapped and wheelchair accessible, and their purpose is to transport seniors and disabled people to everyday tasks such as doctor visits shopping social centers or any other need.

“Today is a proud day for our community as we inaugurate this much needed transportation service together with our wonderful partners at Hamaspik “, declared Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Executive Director BPJCC. “I would like to express my sincere thanks to Congressman Nadler for providing the funding for these vehicles.”

Joel Freund, Executive Director of Hamaspik of Kings County announced that the “vans are already in use enhancing the quality of life for our most vulnerable, indeed we are most grateful to Congressman Nadler”.

In his remarks, Congressman Nadler highlighted that these special outfitted vehicles will provide “transportation for those who need it most throughout Brooklyn” and praised the JCC of Boro Park and Hamaspik of Kings County for their stellar service.

Photo credit: Dov & Shmuel Lenchevsky

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Usually a grant mean money from the government or from an organization. Did Jerry Nadler arranged for the government to pay for these vans or did he make a personal DONATION? If Jerry arranged for government money to pay for the vans then it wasn’t Jerry Nadler who gave a grant but we the TAXPAYERS.

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