State Dep’t Misses Court Deadline For Clinton Emails

hilThe State Department released Friday another 3,000 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account, missing a court-ordered goal for their production by a week.

The department said the documents include 65 that contain information that has subsequently been deemed “confidential,” the lowest classification. One document contained information determined to now be “secret,” although it was not identified as such at the time it was sent.

The latest release brings the department into compliance with a court order that demands production of the emails on a rolling monthly basis in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The department has now released 82 percent, or 43,148, of the 55,000 pages of emails Clinton turned over after she left office.

In one email chain, top aide Jake Sullivan sent Clinton a memo from a State Department staffer with his thoughts on Libya policy that Sullivan found impressive. Clinton didn’t recognize the staffer’s name and asked where he worked. When Sullivan replied that he worked for the State Department, Clinton wrote, “I was surprised that he used personal email account if he is at State.”


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