BALTIMORE HIT AGAIN: Another Frum Man Robbed At Gunpoint In Baltimore – 2nd One In Days

robThe Baltimore Jewish Community is on edge Thursday night, after yet another member of the community was robbed at gunpoint. This is the second mugging in three days.

The mugging occurred around 10:30PM on Temple Gate Road, in the heart of the Jewish community.

The victim was reportedly exiting his car, when he was robbed by two African American males. One of them displayed a handgun and demanded the mans wallet.

Baltimore Police and Shomrim are canvassing the area looking for the suspects, who fled the area on foot.

Two days ago YWN reported that a Frum man was robbed at gunpoint on Tuesday night as he was walking to Shul to Daven Maariv.

In that incident, three African American suspects were wanted.

The victim had his cell phone and wallet taken.

Additionally, YWN reported that the major kosher supermarket in Baltimore, Seven Mile Market, was robbed at gunpoint on Wednesday morning.

Thankfully, no one was injured in any of the incidents.

These incidents come as the Baltimore Jewish community is on high alert after a rash of robberies and burglaries have plagued the community. Sources tell YWN that  Baltimore Shomrim have received a much higher call volume in the last 2 weeks and additional units have been patrolling the area to further assist the Baltimore police in apprehending the perpetrators and to restore calm to the community.

Baltimore Shomrim urge the community to be on the look out for all suspicious vehicles, people, and activity and to immediately call 911 and Baltimore Shomrim at 410.358.9999.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. I am certain that all the criminals in USA are not black but reading the news seems to make the point that most are black.

  2. Finally, some good news. See below.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Baltimore Shomrim
    Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 5:09 PM
    To: Blotter
    Subject: Quick Update!

    The police have informed us that a juvenile has been taken into custody in reference to a stolen auto.

    He has been linked to several burglaries in the area. The investigation is ongoing in an effort to determine the extent to which he’s involved.

    Baltimore Shomrim – 11000 calls over the last 11 years!

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    (c) Shomrim of Baltimore 2008 to Present

  3. And the President is fine with criminals having guns, but law abiding citizens – oh, no. Hope they next pick on someone who carries & who shoots them.

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