H And M Selling a Tallis as a Garment

scYes, it appears the tzitzis have been removed from this “striped scraf” selling on the H & M website, but clearly the item is a copy of a tallis, which is being turned into a women’s garment selling for NIS 99.90.

The item is already the subject of discussion on Facebook and other social media platforms. Comments include “One can only imagine how religious me will react when they see women wearing this on the street” and “This is an outrage and the garment exhibits disrespect to a religious article”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Stop overreacting to this questionable offense. At second glance, it no longer looks like a tallis, although whoever designed it probably took the idea from that. Too many stripes, made from different material…it’s a striped shawl, נקודה

  2. How about a nun’s habit or a priest’s black shirt with an insert of a white collar? How about a a women’s Hijab? I’ll bet there’ll be a big protest.

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