PHOTO: Due To Endless Palestinian Terror, Chareidim Purchasing Weapons At A Gun Sale In Beitar Illit


15 Responses

  1. What do you mean what a shame?! Are you insane? Add learning?! You people are living under a rock. Learn from Yaakov Avinu who got ready with teffilah AND prepared for war!

    Reading such comments I understand how Yidden went like goody goodies onto trains to concentration camps.

    You are not more holy if you bury your head in the sand while animals are trying to kill your family and people ( OK, if you don’t mind getting killed is one thing, but at least try to protect your family).

    These Jews buying guns are smart. They are doing HISHTADLUS. Do you bashers even know what this means or do you just know how to krechtze when someone actually doing something to TRY to prevent being victims of terror?

  2. #1 #2 ahhhhhhhh, coming from your typical American “we don’t believe in guns” yeshivishe Yidden……

    the only worries in your perfect worlds are your annual yeshiva dinners and how much time you’ll get to spend in the “country” this summer………

    I’ll stick with our guns thank you……

  3. Good. Charedim in the US should be getting gun permits, getting training, and also buying guns. After all, someone who fails to defend themselves and protect others from a rodef is oyver numerous laviim. If you prefer to do so with your bare hands or a sefer be my guest, but a gun is much more effective.

  4. frum Yidden falling into the Zionist trap, guns are the toys of Eisav, Yidden’s weapons are the beis medrash. this is what the medina has achieved.

  5. If heimishe people would have had gun’s the har nof shull attack would probably be much less, so stop all the comments.

  6. While I greatly encourage people to protect themselves, having guns in the hands of untrained people can also lead to needless deaths. I hope these people are also taking the time to be trained in the use of these weapons and also making sure they have a safe place to keep them at home away from curious children.

  7. Those opposing this need their conscience examined… Noone is purchasing a gone to protect the govt and fight for it. Beitar illit is a city with tens and tens of kollelim and yeshivos in the shetachim… Theyve experience stabbings, stonings and shootings… WHAT AN UTTER DISCONNECT to oppose this…. Why should learning be a stira to this… I don’t want you selfish americans to have to ever try and experience the nightmares parents face here every day when their young sons walk to yeshiva at 6:00 am or come home… Or when just simple citizens need to look right, left and center so that they don’t chas vesholom leave their husbands an alman or wives almanos with 7 children… This is called hishtadlus… THis picture looks like they’re giving it out for free. There are very strict laws in israel for holding guns. This is one taane the misnachlim actually have to the govt. that they live in the lions den and have nothing to protect themselves with unless theyre during active duty; they have that gun. Whoever gets approved here will only be if they are trained and approved… They’re very strict about it. But to bring bitul torah in here or disagree…. Also, is commenting on an internet blog like YWN less bitul torah and more important than protecting mothers and fathers?

  8. I seriously wish I had known about this. I can shoot & I would have no problem using a gun if I had to. Beitar Illit residents are (literally) a stone’s throw from Husan, known for Arab violence & many of their “ehrliche” citizens work & build in Beitar. I am glad the men in Beitar are getting armed, but so should the women.

  9. I agree with what #11 geula says.

    To explain, the title of this article is factually incorrect.

    This was not Chareidim purchasing weapons at a gun sale.

    This is not a gun show such as found in the US, where private sellers display and sell guns. The law in the US is clear that under federal law, private-party sellers are not required to perform background checks on buyers, record the sale, or ask for identification.

    This was simply a display of guns to educate and assist those who wish to proceed with the application process to do so. It was pure and simple marketing.

    In Israel, once approved, which requires an exam by a doctor, one receives the authorization to purchase one weapon. One brings that authorization to a licensed gun seller, purchases the weapon (but does not take possession), the details of the gun are noted, and then approval is provided to take possession of that one and only gun.

    And I live in Judea and I’m proud of it. And in response to Questionable, why are Bnei Torah living in Yesha, because it’s ארץ ישראל.

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