Rabbi Pinto’s Appeal Rejected by the Supreme Court – The Rav is Heading to Prison

pintoIsrael’s Supreme Court on Tuesday morning 24 Teves announced it is rejecting the appeal filed by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, who in April 2015 pleaded guilty in a plea-bargain agreement in his fraud case. Part of the plea bargain compels Rabbi Pinto to serve a year in prison. The rabbi was hopeful the High Court would take his deteriorating health into consideration but with the appeal being rejected, he will have to enter prison and serve a one-year term.

Justices Yitzchak Amit, Tzvi Zilbertal and Mani Mazuz decided to send the rav to prison to serve his term as per the agreement he signed with the prosecutor and accepted by the court. Many felt an air of optimism following the recent High Court ruling in the petition of former Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky, whose prison term was wiped by the court, which took his ailing health into consideration, of course along with other circumstances of that case. In the case of Rabbi Lupoliansky, his prison term was reduced to an 18-month community service sentence.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Rabbi Nachman of breslov points out that even if a tzaddik says or does something wrong – a tzaddik is still a tzaddik and he must be respected as a tzaddik.

    sheva yippol tzaddik va`kamm…

    that being said – the idea of Israel putting a tzaddik in jail is not a good idea… especially the situation klal yisroel is in at this time – we cant afford this. nothing good can come out of putting a tzaddik in jail and purposely make him suffer.

    may Hashem save us!

  2. A Yidden does not belong in prison unless he is a danger to society.

    Prison is a terrible place, and we don’t find a prison system in the Torah.

    The hurei Miklat was not a prison, it was a city.

    The Torah gave malkus, person did Tshuva and moved on.

    I don’t understand why any Jew would become a judge and put other Yidden in jail. The fire of gehenom is very hot…

  3. Oh Really!
    Not referring in anyway to Rabbi Pinto – but to “y2r”
    What did they do with the mekoshes eitzim until moshe found out what to do with him?

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