Terror Alert in Herzliya – Searching for a Jerusalem Terrorist [UPDATED 11:45AM IL]


Police on Tuesday morning, 24 Teves, acting on credible intelligence information are on high alert in Herzliya. They are searching for Ahmed Hatib, 20, from the Tzur Baher area of Jerusalem.

According to police intelligence, he has set out for Herzliya, where he plans to carry out a terror attack.

It is reported an emphasis is being placed on added security around the city’s schools.

In the meantime, today is day 5 in the search for the Dizengoff terrorist, who remains at large since erev Shabbos.

08:03: It is reported that Hatib earlier today blew through a police checkpoint and a large police and ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) force is involved in the manhunt in Herzliya this morning.

Hatib told his family prior to leaving his Jerusalem home that he plans to perpetrate an attack in Herzliya and they phoned police, perhaps fearing if he carries out his threat their home would be razed.

It is stressed that this is a different terrorist than the one who perpetrated the fatal shooting attack in a Dizengoff Street pub on erev Shabbos. That was Nashat Melhem, who remains at large as well.

08:18: Police are checking a suspicious vehicle that originated in Yerushalayim, possibly used by Hatib, the subject of the manhunt. (Above photo)

08:27: It has been established that the vehicle belongs to Hatib, but he is nowhere to be found. The manhunt continues. Hatib’s photo appears below.

09:01: Hatib’s cell phone was found in the area of the central bus station, where the search is now concentrated.

11:45: After hours of searching and maintaining a terror alert in the city, B’chasdei Hashem police have located and apprehended the Tzur Baher suspect police believed to have been planning a terror attack. He was apprehended on Sokolov Street in the city, bringing an end to the Herzliya terror alert.

It is reported by police that Ahmed Hatib got into an argument with his father Tuesday morning and went up to the roof of their Jerusalem home and threatened to take his own life. He then took a car and left. Police now state earlier reports that Hatib crashed a checkpoint are unfounded, and despite the alert there is no evidence the disturbed individual was planning to perpetrate a terror attack. B”H he is now in custody.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo: Media Resource Group)

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