NYers Reminded to Take Advantage of New Commuter Tax Break

subOn the first weekday commute of the new year, the city wants to remind you about the new commuter benefit law.

Mayor Bill de Blasio will be in Brooklyn this morning to spread the word about the law that requires business owners to help commuters take advantage of tax breaks for commuters.

The mayor is greeting commuters at Atlantic Avenue-Barclays Center subway station to talk about the city’s Commuter Benefits Law, which took effect January 1.

Under the law, for-profit and non-profit businesses with 20 or more full-time non-union employees must offer workers the chance to put money aside before taxes to pay for their commute.

The law is expected to help more than 45,000 New Yorkers save up to $800 a year.

The pre-tax money can be used on subways and bus fares, Metro-North, Long Island Rail Road, certain ferries, and Access-A-Ride.

Employers will be given a six month grace period to comply before facing violations.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. Does anyone know if this can be used for EZ-Pass tolls too?

    The maximum monthly deduction of $130 exceeds my Metrocard costs, but I would still like to utilize the rest of my deduction if possible.

  2. By the way the maximum monthly dedication was just raised to $255 from $130.
    You cannot use the commuter benefit for tolls or EZ-Pass. They do however allow you another $255 deduction for parking costs.

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