VIDEO: Hagon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Tells Man ‘Not To Have Surgery’; Read What He Told The Man To Do Instead


“Doctors only know what’s in their Kup (head)”, was the response of the Gadol Hador to a man seeking a Bracha and advice.

According to published reports, a man from America visited Hagon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky recently, and showed the Gadol Hador paper with his request for Bracha as well as advice on how to proceed with what doctors had advised him.

The man can be seen in the video being supported by crutches as he stands next to Rav Chaim.

After reading the paper, the man was told not to have the surgery and instead should just be Mispallel and Daven for a Refua Shelaima.

The man responded that doctors had told him that he must have the surgery done in order to heal his foot ailment, to which Rav Chaim responded “Doctors only know what’s in their Kup (head)”.

“So I should do nothing?” asked the man.

Rav Chaim answered “do nothing….only Daven”.

Rav Chaim then added that the man should “learn the Perek of Keitzad Haregel (Bava Kama) both Bavli and Yerushalmi”.

The man received a phone call from his doctor not long after informing him that they feel he should not undergo surgery, as it would have been too risky.

A short while later, the man received a phone call from his doctor’s office, advising him that it is good that they didn’t do surgery, for it would have been way too risky and extremely dangerous.

(Dov Gefen – YWN)

24 Responses

  1. Please except this story with a grain of salt. It is completely anecdotal. Listen to your healthcare professional regarding medical care.

  2. #2: Please accept (not except) this story as true – at least the first part – since it is recorded on video.

    In addition to your healthcare professional, ALWAYS consult your Rav regarding medical care.

  3. ..and take that previous comment likewise with .. scratch that.. don’t even bother.

    When a Tzaddik says something.. only an ignaramous haughty fool would disobey. Goofed, I’ll have you know.. the healthcare professionals don’t have the last say.. nor the first or middle. We listen to their instructions / advice because that’s the natural way HaShem set in order. But a Tzaddik sees way, way beyond – that’s the “ohr Hatorah” in use. So there’s no need for these professionals nor their “professional advice”.

  4. It’s amazing to see that we have gedolim in our current generation and it gives us all great chizuk. However,
    I most point out that we hear these kind of stories b”h quiet often and from many gedolim and tzadikim all-over- the-world and it is never good to spread these kind of מופתים stories…. And it is not healthy for stories like this to be publicized. ברכות are חל if it’s hidden from people’s eyes. May hashem send yeshious and refuahs to the entire klal Yisroel But try to be more careful in the future.

  5. goofus:It’s amazing you have the guts to say different then our gedolim!! and you’re not scared to so in public.May Hashem watch over you and protect you from all evil.I was told by doctors twice , 9 yrs ago and two years ago that I will not survive more than three weeks. I was 3 months in a coma and on full life support nine years ago, I’m still here today alive and well.2 years ago I was told I have 3 months left , I’m still here today !living a very normal and productive life !BH. “Anecdotal” a Fact? I don’t usually take part in any of these nonsense posts , but this is for the covod of our Gedolim who protect you and me! yes you!!. NOT the doctor.
    who plays G_D and takes a ton of money, just be smart, and take back your foolish words before it’s to late.

    Im saying this out of pure love my friend not hate.

  6. grepsoops! You say one should except what the doctor said with a grain of salt! What is the ‘exception’ about? Except what? Did you mean ‘accept’?
    Meanwhile enjoy the time the רבש”ע gave you and make every day count!!!
    עד מאה ועשרים שנה

  7. @Goofus. If there was a scale that weighed knowledge and on one side are all the medical professionals in the world and on the other side is Hagon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, the scale would be leaning so far to the favor of Rav Kanievsky that it would look like there was nothing/no one on the other side.
    The knowledge that our Chacomiom have, comes directly from the source of all knowledge. The Torah.

    I am sure that you didn’t mean to impinge on the Kavod of HaRav Kanievsky, but it might be a good idea to speak to your Rav and see if some Teshuva is warranted.


  8. Reply to #7 anopinion: We definitely should spread these stories and should not keep them hidden. The bracha was chal already. I don’t believe that whole concept applies in such cases altogether especially after the yeshuah. Chazal say that on “dovor” hasomuy min ha’ayin not “odom”. Maasay U’mofsey Tzadikim are mechazek our emunah. Why should we keep it hidden. We should spread it and give hope to those who need it!

  9. I know ‘the man’ personally.
    I have confirmed this story with him.
    He was due a very complicated pelvic surgery to enable him to walk and sit.
    His Dr’s were mesupak Wether to perform surgery.
    After he got back to USA his Dr’s met and voted not to do surgery.

    ‘The man’ is a talmid chochom and an inspiration to us all.

  10. Relax, number 2 May not understand just explain please before You jump down Their throte maybe They don’t understand or Everyone else doesn’t under stand Them Everyone has Their own experience please first and formost Peace Please may HaShem please bring The Geula

  11. Goofus is quite correct. It is not a bizayon to a talmid chacham to say that one should always consult a doctor. A talmid chochom is not a medical professional. When your car is broken you go to your mechanic not your rov. Even “horrified” who claims to know the person in the story has now changed the story from the “doctors wanted to perform surgery” to “the doctors were mesupak to do surgery” which kind of puts the entire story in a different perspective.

  12. To all those pounding on “goofus”, I certainly am not afraid to say different from our gedolim. We should learn, grown, honor, and become inspired from them, but to say that we are in a cult- absolutely not! I personally take the advice of the doctors, my WIFE, parents, second and third professional medical opinion, and my Rav’s thoughts (not all in that order). It’s remarkable how so many dismiss others for not being comfortable solely trusting one gadol’s thoughts on a major surgery. I’m not sure about you guys, but I would be sleeping on the couch if I didn’t consider many others (my wife) thoughts on a major surgery. And to all those that say the gadolim have chachma, divine inspiration, and such and such…. to me it’s like saying the sky is blue…., neither facts am I denying. But just like with different halachos, different Rabbanim and gedolim slightly differ in leniencies.

  13. goofus says: if you meant it for real

    why not comment a year from now and show everybody you are still alive.

    Evey other religious groups have stories like this about their leaders. I wonder if you believe those stories or think It is completely anecdotal. Listen to your healthcare professional regarding medical care. –

  14. Correction
    Reb chaim said Zei veisin nisht fun kup tzu zogen
    They (his doctors) haven’t got a clue!!!!

    The article states they know in their kup, that’s not what he said!!

  15. Thank you to all that defended me.

    To everyone else, next time you are in need of Hatzolah I suggest you simply call your Posic

  16. “VaYa’ameenu baHash-m u’vMoshe avdo”

    When consulting a Gadol – in the interest of the advice or bracha being fulfilled – there’s a MAJOR prerequisite…

    And that depends on the strength of your bitachon in
    Hash-m and recognizing His loyal servant and the power he has as a “tzaddik gozer v’Hakadosh Boruch Hu mekayem”!

    If your emunah and bitachon rest with the
    “M.D.= Minor Deity” – and you blindly trust (worship) him/her with your and your children’s precious health without much forethought, especially allowing prophylactic administration of actual infections cultured on animal organs mixed with chemicals that are recognized carcinogens and neurotoxins…to keep you all ???healthy???…Then…..

    Don’t be surprised that all this “hishtadlus” has led to your child being diagnosed with such autoimmune conditions such as: “PANDAS”, Crohn’s, asthma, diabetes, cancers, as well as neurological impairments as: ADHD, auditory, language, and sensory processing disorders, or SIDS….

    Ask THIS Gadol what he says about this “therapy” and STOP honoring the “frum” M.D.s as having a monopoly on medical knowledge. There’s a growing minority of doctors honoring their Hippocratic oath of “first do NO harm” who are speaking up and against this FORCED damaging and evil therapy.

    Besides all the illness and deaths (& MANY pregnancy losses) certainly attributed to this “therapy” that have plagued our communities this year alone – the mushrooming Sinas Chinam generated by our M.D.s has complicated our quest to beg the RBShO for our much needed redemption…

  17. #20 Goofus, absolutely. You made a great thought.

    #22, such a valid point, I feel bad I didn’t include it. If G-D forbid I need to call an ambulance, I will be calling Hatzallah first, then davening to Hashem. I won’t be davening and putting trust in a Human Being (the Gedolim).

  18. If we believe that the gedolim are all knowing, do we have to believe that tarot cards are real? Don’t chazal say there is a balance between ruach kodesh and ruach tumah?

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