Emails Reveal That Hillary Was Upset That Chasidic Newspaper PhotoShopped Iconic Photo Of Bin Laden Raid

p So it seems that Hillary Clinton was somewhat upset at the fact that a Chasidic Newspaper photo-shopped her out of the now famous Bin Laden Situation Room photo. The latest batch of Hillary emails shows us her reaction.

But first, let’s get some background on the whole Hasidic paper photo-shopping thing.

• Hillary Clinton used a private email server to conduct official government business while heading the State Department.

• Journalist Jason Leopold filed a Freedom of Information Act request that was ignored.

• He sued.

• He won.

• Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the State Department to release all of Clinton’s work-related emails.

• The judge told the State Dept. to “aspire to abide” to a monthly schedule at the end of each month until January 29th, 2016.

• The State Department failed to meet the December quota of 8000 pages of emails.

• They only released 5500 today.

• They claim more will be released next week.

• Der Zeitung, a Brooklyn-based Hareidi newspaper, photoshopped Clinton out of the White House Situation Room during the Bin Laden raid.

• Clinton read about it on a blog.

• The blog cited the Jerusalem Post.

• She was not pleased.

• Clinton emailed her aide Judith McHale, a former executive at the Discovery Channel.

She wrote:

“The Jerusalem Post reported today that a NY Hasidic paper Der Zeitung published the sit room photo w/o me (or Audrey T) photoshopped out perhaps because no woman should be in such a place of power or that I am dressed immodestly!!”

Judith McHale, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, responded:

“Stunning!!! Bare minimum I hope the WH formally objects. This is so frustrating and depressing. I’m increasingly coming to believe we are moving backwards again in terms of women’s issues.”


McHale added in a later email:

“Do you want me to reach out to rhoades and ask him to formally complain ? WH photos are not supposed to be altered. I’m just so incredibly p.. off I want to do SOMETHING!! Let me know.”

Benjamin J. Rhodes is the deputy national security adviser for strategic communication for President Barack Obama.


Hillary wasn’t that upset, as she was able to say Happy Mother’s Day, and she did joke about not being modest (tznius) enough.

(Dov Gefen – YWN)

17 Responses

  1. I hat hillary, and it pains me to say this, but in this case, she is rightfully mad. Yes, I know the newspaper had their “cheshbonos” for it, but she is right.

  2. Tell Hillary not to take it personally…the frau in the top right corner was also clipped out… in keeping with that newspapers’ guidelines of פרויען ארויס

  3. Hillary should realize that it is a compliment that her image was removed from the photo. It means that someone feels that her looks are enough to be enticing. Many, however, would disagree. You can be sure that if she is the nominee, the political bigwigs in the Der Zeitung community will rush to meet with her and her aides, and maybe even have their photo taken with her.

  4. I can’t believe a person who’s running to be president of the United States is concerning herself with with this. Who the heck cares ?

  5. This happened 5 years ago! Does it really have anything to do with the issues that are the reason her emails are being investigated? So the email surfaced. She was upset, which given her world view doesn’t surprise me. The whole thing doesn’t make me have any lower opinion of Hillary than I had before. I wasn’t going to vote for her, and I still won’t. But it does say something about some in the media pandering to sensationalism instead of the real current issues, and in this case that includes YWN.

  6. The Democrats are known for holding the diversity is only skin deep (i.e. different color skin). If you want support for diversity based on religion and culture, try the Republican party. If Hilary and the Democrats get complete control expect they will enact anti-Jewish legislation (e.g. no tax breaks for religious schools that don’t endorse homosexuality, prosecutors who consider paperwork erros by people with kipas to be heinous offenses, but those who commit violence against Jews to be merely “misunderstood”).

  7. Rabbi Genack of the OU who endorsed her, has a dozen reasons for admiring her and feeling shed make the best president. Im more bothered by Genack and his insanely dumb excuses, than by anything Hilary said or did! If the OU allows Rabbi Genack to stay on after hi$ $tupid reason$ for endor$ing her, I am no longer a fan of the OU.

  8. Is it only “chassidic” newspapers whose readers should not look at women? Why, for example, does Yeshiva World News constantly publish pictures of women?

  9. This doesn’t bother me as you can say it is a religious requirement. On the other hand, blurring of faces in certain newspapers is ridiculous and can cause major chillul Hashem down the road. If you want to blur a face- don’t put the photo in! How stupid can you get?!

    Besides that it is totally hypocritical when they don’t blur out faces in instances where these newspapers pander to politicians. It’s a double standard on top of a standard that is stupid to begin with.

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