PHOTOS: Issue Arises for Kohanim Flying El Al From Eretz Yisroel to the U.S.

elalKohanim flying from Eretz Yisroel to the U.S. via El Al will need to, until further notice, ensure there are no Niftarim on the plane due to a recent incident, Misaskim tells TLS.

A meeting was held this evening in New York between Misaskim and Hagaon Rav Yecheskel Roth Shlita, after a Niftar arrived in the U.S. from Eretz Yisroel today packaged in away that would make it non-permissible for a Kohen to fly according to Halacha.

“Rav Yecheskel Roth Shlita Paskened, that a Kohen may not fly with El Al if there is a Niftar on the plane, as there is no way of knowing for sure if it is being wrapped the correct way for shipping,” Misaskim says. “Therefore, a Kohen must check before flying to make sure that there is no Niftar on the plane.”

Rav Roth also stated that the Rabbonim in Eretz Yosroel have to deal with this, as they are the ones who will have to supervise it.

“This problem is only on the flights from Eretz Yisroel to America. The flights leaving America to Eretz Yisroel are okay for a Kohen to fly, as we are constantly checking to see that it is done correctly,” Misaskim said.

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(Source: TLS)

10 Responses

  1. Do the photographs illustrate a niftar “packaged” correctly for Kohanim to fly or incorrectly. These pictures don’t look very dignified and look more like the large boxes in our lobby after the FedExp driver drops off the daily deluge of Amazon shipments.

  2. Is the chance of a niftar going from Israel to USA high enough hat one needs to investigate it? I’d think the main traffic in niftarim is the other direction.

    Anyone knows?

  3. Why is it only a problem with El Al?
    It should be an issue with all airlines,flying anywhere.instead of assuring El Al, perhaps it would make more sense to fix the problem with the Israeli airline as they did in the US, but that makes too much sense.

  4. Other opinions exist.
    Rav Shlomo Amar Shelit”a, previous Sephardic Chief Rabbi, in Shema Shelomo (Y.D. 18), allows Kohanim to travel on airplanes that are transporting a dead body. He contends that the cargo and passenger cabin should be viewed as two separate compartments, since there is no access to one through the other. A person cannot access the cargo section from the cabin, and therefore the two should be seen as distinct domains. As such, the presence of a body in the cargo section does not bring Tum’a to the cabin, and it is thus entirely permissible for a Kohen to take a flight that is transporting a body in the cargo section.

  5. How often does Elal transport bodies FROM Israel? I assume rarely! Would it not be sufficient to ask a Rav at the airport in Israel if the body was “packaged” properly??

    It is a davar pashut that one has to worry about momonom shel Yisroel. If you cannot fly back, almost all will not fly there since round trip tickets are the norm.

  6. 4,

    It’s a problem with ElAl because they are taking maysim to EY. It’s very safe to say that any mais on ElAl IS Jewish and subject to tumas mais.

  7. 5,

    It just so happens to be there are ways to get from from the passenger cabin to the cargo section in widebodies. They may not be the most comfortable way to travel but they’re there. Also, most planes have some sort of air vents between the cargo and passenger cabins to allow for pressure changes.

  8. The wording in this article is distasteful & lacking in respect. FTR – my friend A”H was buried in EY & I was part of the Tahara team. We always make sure that a nifteress is transported to EY in a way that gives kovod hameis – a proper metal aron, the meis dressed in her tacrichim. Poorly wrapped in cardboard packaging is horrific. That is a Yid who deserves better. Shame on whichever chevra kadisha who and/or funeral home who allowed this to happen.

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