MK Maklev Wants to Change Rav Kav Travel Smart Card Regulations

maklevMK Uri Maklev is trying to change the Rav Kav regulations that permits one to pass his card to another to use. At present, the Rav Kav used to pay for transportation around Israel is personnel and one may not give it to someone to use. He feels a rider on the Jerusalem light rail should not be fined for giving the smart card to someone else to you.

Unlike the other forms of transportation, the light rail issues steep fines if one paid with another’s Rav Kav. This is not so with other public transportation. Maklev is seeking to prevent the Jerusalem light rail inspectors from continuing to issue fines for this. He tells officials that he and others have received thousands of complaints from commuters on the matter.

CityPass officials explain the law is explicit and they are entitled to issue fines, as they do.

Maklev feels a change is regulations is long overdue.

UPDATE: On Thursday afternoon 19 Teves is was reported that after the Ombudsman’s Office turned to the Ministry of Transportation, the latter has sent a directive to CityPass instructing the light rail operator to cease issuing fines for one paying with a Rav Kav of another person.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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