PHOTOS: Kosel Palm Trees Cut Down to Prevent Injury


Palm weevil is one of the most difficult and destructive pests that attack a palm tree. It lays 300 white grubs that feed on the palm core and there may not be an apparent external sign until the tree dies.

Due to a recent wave of pests that attacked palm trees in Israel, the Kosel Heritage Foundation turned to Jerusalem City Hall, requesting the city’s experts inspect the palm trees at the Kosel. Following inspection, an expert agronomist recommended cutting down the trees immediately for fear they may fall and cause injury or worse chas v’sholom.

Once they were cut, the agronomist’s fears were confirmed as much of the trees have been hollowed out and they were truly posing a danger to the area.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Let’s hope these palm weevils attack all the palm trees that the Arabs planted around Har Habayis. The Torah forbids planting trees on this holy soul. It would be a nes if these trees had to be cut down because of the weevil.

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