The Hidden (Special Needs) Shidduch Crisis



There has been much talk about the shidduch crisis, it’s causes and possible resolutions. But there are thousands of wonderful young people from good families whose living nightmare has been almost completely ignored. These are the many young men and women in our own community who have a disability or minor medical condition which makes it more difficult for them to find a shidduch. These are people who have weathered life’s ups and  downs and come out up on top. They have persevered, compensated for their issues,  gained from their experiences, and matured. They live life with the Hand of Hashem firmly holding theirs. They are capable of being good spouses and raising fine families.

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Beineinu, an organization founded in 2008 by parents of children with special needs has responded to their call. Our website,, contains a rapidly growing 2600 page database of information for those with all types of special needs—including a section on Special Needs Shidduchim. We have compiled  lists of shadchanim in the USA and Israel who are committed to helping each single find their bashert, no matter what their disability or medical condition. To date, these pages have received close to 8,000 hits—which translates into many prospective Shidduchim!

And Beineinu does so much more to help our fellow families whether they are dealing with physical disability, medical, or mental issues.

Click Here To donate online

Our many programs include:

  • ·         Our website’s rapidly growing online 2600 page database of information and chizuk—including topics like medical information, resources, service providers, accessible travel and special needs shadchanim
  • ·         Parent matching program that connects Jewish families worldwide dealing with the same diagnosis or issues
  • ·         Zichron Yehuda Equipment Exchange, which helps find new homes for expensive medical equipment and supplies
  • ·         Beineinu hotline—here for you at all times, day & night
  • ·         Informational e-newsletters containing a Calendar of disability related events, useful information, and member’s posts
  • ·         Practical assistance with special requests
  • ·         Our eagerly anticipated Beineinu wheelchair accessible van to transport families together with their wheelchair-bound loved ones.


Visit our website,, to see what we have to offer. To join our membership list, contact [email protected].


As a volunteer based 501c3 non-profit, we rely on the generosity of people like you to help us fulfill the many requests that we receive for funding. Some include:

  • ·         Medical or therapy bills
  • ·         Special ed scholarships
  • ·         Equipment not covered by insurance
  • ·         Tracking devices for those that wander
  • ·         Adaptive clothing or devices


And of course, since we are volunteer based, almost every penny you donate goes directly to help families in need.

To donate by mail:



48 West Maple Avenue

Monsey, NY 10952

 Click Here To donate online

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