EFRAT Saves Jewish Babies : (וַתְּחַיֶּיןָ אֶת הַיְלָדִים (שמות א: יז

קולז-ציוד-1024x538[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] “I can’t imagine bringing my child into this world without being able to provide him with a bed to sleep in,” the woman tearfully explained to the EFRAT volunteer. The volunteer was horrified. “It is unthinkable,” she said, “that a life will be lost for lack of a crib.

This week Parshat Shmos is read in shuls around the world. The Parshah talks of Shifrah and Puah’s incredible dedication to their goal of saving Jewish babies. Pharoh driven by hate and desperation, commanded the two women to kill all the newborn Jewish boys. Displaying remarkable mesirus nefesh, they defied Pharoh’s decree, not only helping Jewish women give birth, but also by nurturing and sustaining all the newborn babies.

Rav Elyashiv and Gedolei Isroel designated this time in the Jewish calendar as an opportunity to highlight the value of bringing a life into the world.

Unbelievably, each year approximately 40,000 terminations are carried out in Israel, many due to socio-economic difficulties. EFRAT, an Israel based non-profit organization, provides women with the necessary support to allow them to have their babies.

EFRAT has been carrying out life-saving work since it was founded in the 1950’s by Mr. Herschel Feigenbaum, a Holocaust survivor. Mr Feigenbaum understood that our children are our future. In memory of the over one and a half million Jewish children who perished, he founded EFRAT, to increase the Jewish birthrate in Israel. Dr Eli Schussheim, formally a senior surgeon, has made this dream a reality, leading the organization for over 37 years. To date there are over 64,000 EFRAT babies.

Receiving medical, emotional and financial support, women feel empowered to have their babies. Financial aid is provided in the form of immediate practical support. This includes supplying new mothers with a crib, stroller, baby bath, a set of clothing and basic equipment on the baby’s arrival. Packages of diapers, formula and food for the family are provided throughout the first two years of the baby’s life.

Additionally, EFRAT volunteers assist women on a daily basis with a listening ear and emotional support. They help women to exercise their rights and find ways to improve their difficult circumstances.

EFRAT appeals to the entire Jewish community worldwide, to participate in a 48 hour campaign which emulates the tremendous life-saving work of the Shifrah and Puah.

For 48 hours only, every baby you save will save three. To participate CLICK HERE.

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