Rav Yaakov Ariel: A Jewish Terrorist is Worse than an Arab Terrorist

arielRabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlita joins the growing number of rabbonim speaking out to condemn the infamous wedding during which participants praised the Duma arson attack

The rav was posed with a question on a website forum in which one alleges the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) is responsible for the distribution of the damaging video towards discrediting the suspects.

“In recent days, there are those who explain there is a different set of laws for Jewish and Arab terrorists. Is this so and is it correct to say that there is a difference between Israel and the nations and dealing with an Arab terrorist is not the same as dealing with a Jew who perpetrated a crime (Even if the objective is to indirectly to harm the state)?

Rav Ariel’s response did not leave any room for interpretation, stating “The Torah prohibits murdering a non-Jew! From certain perspectives, a Jew who murders is worse for he is accountable to the Torah which prohibits this.

Another question posed to the rabbi: “If we had this authority, does a king have the option of torturing someone to extract a confession for a crime he committed?

Rabbi Ariel: Extracting a confession by torturing someone who did not commit a crime is prohibited and of new use.

Wedding video:

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. The continued existence of the universe is dependent on Jews learning Torah and doing Mitsvos. Its already a problem the the secular Jews and zionists are way “off the derekh”. For otherwise frum Jews to imitate the goyim by killing (or at least endorsing the killing of ) non-combattants including babies is outrageous. Just because the goyim can’t manage to do their seven mitsvos doesn’t justify Jews screwing up our duty to do 613.

    And it is irrelevant if the Israeli secret police (the ש”ב) are guilty of acting like the KGB or the SS (which were also very good at what they did, always acting within the law and intensely patriotic).
    Frei Jews have been “off the derekh” for two centuries – the survival of the Jewish people, not to mention the world and universe, is the responsibility of the בני תורה.

  2. Sorry after all this time of being stabbed shot blown up there aren’t Jewish terrorists Only people reacting out of frustration and fear. Against those trying to kill them

  3. Were is the proof that youth that being tortured are Jewish “Terrorists”? The closest thing to Jewish “terrorists” are the ones that employed Avishai Raviv in my opinion.

  4. If I understand correctly what this rabbi says is, that killing a Jew is not so bad? In other words the Arabs who kill Jews are better then the Jews? can someone explain please?

  5. #6 – When did any of them ever kill a non-combatant, or for that matter, ever kill anyone other than when directly told to by Ha-Shem? Of course, the “ikar” of zionism is that the wisdom and revleations of David Ben Gurioun and Theodore Herzl take the place of having to be given commands from Ha-Shem — but no hareidim, and frankly not all that many “modern” orthodox/religious zionists hold that way.

  6. Akuperma, how DARE you refer to the Shin Bet as the SS! The SS, as I am sure you know, was part of a German killing machine dedicated to the anhilation of all the Jews. Is that the Shin Bet? The SS slaughtered 6 million Jews, men, women, and children. Is that the Shin Bet? Such extreme rhetoric is damaging and adds nothing to the point you are trying to make. In fact, it undermines it. Stop it….please. Just stop it.

  7. #5 mayerfreund:

    It’s not a question of the Arab being “better.” Yishmoel is pere adam. His nature is wild, like an animal, and when an animal is agitated it kills. We don’t say the animal is good or bad, it’s just what animals do. Same thing with Yishmoel. A Yid, however is chelek elokim mimaal, so if a Yid acts c”v like an animal he is going against his essential nature and desecrating the name of He who created him.

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