Agudath Israel Welcomes New Shiur to its Washington Office

aFor nearly three decades, Agudath Israel of America’s Washington Office has been a central address in the nation’s capital. The first orthodox Jewish advocacy office in Washington, it has been a daily mokom tefilah for those seeking a mincha minyan downtown. The year-round minyan has been available for professionals employed in the area, as well as catering to those visiting from out of town on business or for pleasure. Among the mispallelim have been prominent Jewish personalities from the U.S. and abroad.

Now, the Agudah’s Washington Office will reach a new milestone – it will also be a mokom for limud haTorah, as it has begun to host a bi-weekly shiur by Rabbi Eli Reingold, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Amram of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington – Tiferes Gedaliah. The shiur is a unique blend of practical halacha and hashkafa related to the weekly parsha. Rabbi Reingold brings with his shiur his lively and engaging delivery and his many insightful observations.

The program, which has been dubbed “Lunch and Learn,” includes the parsha shiur and lunch, followed by mincha. The response after the first two shiurim has been enthusiastic and both Rabbi Reingold and attendees are confident that, in time, the learning sessions will increase in frequency.

“We know that the local ba’ale batim have a thirst for limud haTorah,” observes Rabbi Reingold, “and this is a wonderful way to be kove’ah itim even in the middle of the work day.”

Over the years, in addition to its advocacy duties on behalf of both klal and yachid , the Washington Office has served as a resource for visitors looking for minyanim and kosher restaurants in the area, and as an information center on the city’s sites. Over the years, the Agudah’s Washington Office has hosted yeshiva day schools, Jewish community missions, kiruv groups, and foreign delegations that come to hear briefings related to the orthodox Jewish community’s agenda in Washington and its interaction with the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court.

“This is an exciting new development and we are honored to play a role in it,” reflects Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel’s Vice President for Federal Government Affairs and Washington Director. “It’s truly a big zechus to help those who wish to ground their busy day in Torah and tefillah.”

For more information, please call Rabbi Reingold at (301) 996-5910 or the Agudath Israel Washington Office at (202) 835-0414.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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