Campaign Against Jerusalem Mayor Barkat Compares Him to Tommy Lapid of the Defunct Shinui Party

nbaA chareidi initiative, a campaign against Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat comparing him to the late Tommy Lapid, the founder of the defunct Shinui party. The campaign surrounds the dispute involving the Kiryat Yovel matnas (community center). The campaign alleges the mayor permits the matnas to show movies on Shabbos, providing free entertainment for residents wishing to take advantage of it.

According to a Kikar Shabbos report, community residents plan a mass kabolas shabbos to counter the matnas program on Shabbos parshas Vayechi.

The campaign says “Jerusalem has gone up a notch in chilul Shabbos” with Barkat’s photo or “We feel the change in the area”, a play on the work ‘shinui’ which means change and “Barkat thinks he is suited to head the Likud. It appears he is suited to head the Shinui party”.

Despite the campaign, the mayor’s office has ordered the matnas to shut down the Shabbos movies, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Barkat has always struck me as trying to be fair to everyone whatever his personal level of observance. Comparing him to Tommy Lapid is irresponsible and completely misrepresentative of Mayor Barkat, even if there may be instances where he’s wrong.

  2. it’s very wrong to have movies in a public community center on Shabbat in ir hakodesh.If chilonim want entertainment,let them rent a DVD and watch it in their homes

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