Hadassah Reports Additional Cases of Swine Flu

h1n1Health Ministry officials are monitoring the growing number of cases of swine flu in Israel. Earlier, YWN-ISRAEL reported persons diagnosed with the illness are in Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva, some in serious condition. One woman, in her 50s, was niftar in Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. In her case, she was diagnosed with the illness but hospital officials report she had underlying illnesses that compromised her body’s ability to fight off the swine flu.

The woman who died in Beilinson was 53, a chareidi woman. She was connected to an EKMO unit last month but unfortunately, all life-saving measures were not meant to be successful.

Hadassah reports two swine flu patients in Ein Kerem, both women, in their 30s and 40s. both arrived in serious condition but Baruch Hashem, on Thursday afternoon 12 Teves they are reported to be in stable condition. They are both sedated and on assisted ventilations.

A 46-year-old woman is admitted to Mount Scopus, arriving in moderate condition and on Thursday, listed in light condition. She is breathing unassisted.

Hadassah points out two of the patients were not vaccinated this year. Regarding the third, hospital officials do not know.

Hadassah adds that of the recent lab tests conducted to rule out flu, 27% returned with positive results of which 80% were swine flu, H1N1 and 20% influenza B.

In this context, Prof. Dana Wolf, director of clinical virology at Hadassah says the revised guidelines of the Ministry of Health for treating the flu recommend giving Tamiflu as early as possible for all patients admitted to the hospital. In cases of clinical suspicion during flu season, one should not withhold therapy pending lab results.

Patients in high-risk groups include chronic conditions such as immune suppression, pregnancy, or extreme obesity. It is recommended to treat them with Tamiflu even following discharge from the emergency room. Prof. Wolf emphasizes it is still not too late to get vaccinated.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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