ISA Statement to the Media in Light of Recent Allegations of Abuse And Torture

shinThe following statement to the media was released by the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) spokesman on Thursday, 12 Teves, explaining that in light of recent allegations of abuse and torture against Jewish detainees, the security agency felt the need to explain its reality of events in light of the allegations of abuse and torture used against the Duma suspects by the ISA. The following is a translation of the official statement.

The Jewish terror organization, whose members are currently being investigated, was behind serious terror attacks. From this extremist anti-Zionist ideology, members of this organization continued to carry out attacks even after Duma and they viewed this attack as one they should emulate.

The purpose of the ongoing investigation is to expose the organization and to prevent future attacks. in light of this and in conjunction with the judicial system, the organization is being probed in accordance with professional standards and the law, to prevent organizations conspiracies to carry out serious terror attacks in the future. During the interrogations, appropriate measures to taken towards achieving this end.

In the framework of legal proceedings as well as in various media outlets, allegations arose including the use of sexual harassment of the detainees including harming their intimate organs; and the use of unacceptable practices including kicking, spitting, electrocution of the suspects and that one suspect tried to harm himself.

The ISA clarifies that these claims are false, devoid of any connection to reality. The purpose of throwing out these lies is to blacken the name of the ISA, thus trying to compromise its ability to carry out its job by disrupting the investigation and damaging the image of the service and its employees.

Right-wing activists and attorneys are trying to divert the public’s attention and that of the judicial system concerning the serious acts of terror committed by this group by delegitimizing the ongoing investigation to expose the perpetrators.

It is not superfluous to mention that the ongoing investigation is conducted under judicial supervision and under the close monitoring of the Attorney General and State Prosecutor as well as other attorneys accompanying the investigation on behalf of the different courts. Over 100 different meetings and sessions were held regarding the detainees.

The ISA will continue to operate within the framework of the law to thwart terrorism and thereby bringing this organization to justice which is of the opinion the State of Israel does not have a right to exist. Its main vision is the overthrow of the government in Israel using violent methods (even including the murder of Palestinians) to launch its revolt to appoint a king and undermine the relations between Israel and other nations, the expulsion of non-Jews, and to harm minorities. (This taken from the organization’s documents).

END of ISA statement, including that which is contained in parenthesis.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Yes. Unfortunately this is true. These Jewish crazies want to kill and murder Arabs so that an all out war starts between Jews and Muslims in which the secular Israeli gov is overthrown, a Jewish king installed and the Third Bais Hamikdosh rebuilt.

    I mean, it sounds beautiful to have a frum gov and king and the Third Bais Hamikdosh rebuilt, but these crazies are determined to go the violent route instead of waiting for Moshiach as we have done all the these years in golus.

    It’s scary that they disregard the harm that they can c”v cause to innocent people.

    Now regarding the stark differences between the Muslim Arabs living in Gaza, West Bank and Israel and the Jews, it is huge indeed. The so called “Palestinian” leaders condone and instigate terror and the majority of the “Palestinian” population say they agree that violence is legitimate and appropriate. While on the other hand, Jewish Rabbis condemn these acts of violence, and the Israeli gov condemns these acts of violence as well and they are working very hard to contain these Jewish loonies. Jews in unision, except of course for these crazies, CONDEMN TERRORISM EVEN AGAINST THOSE WHO WANT TO KILL US. The only use of force against by the Israelis against Arab Muslims ( besides for these few Jewish crazies) is done to prevent terrorist acts committed by the so called “Palestinians”.

  2. They are being treated like terrorists because that’s what they are. After Duma and some of the other attacks that make Isrealis look like they are no different from the animals that attack yidden, they deserve what they get.

  3. I believe Ben Givir and Honenu that the cops are torturing inncoent people into signing “confessions” for acts they in no way committed. I would also add the courts to this conspiracy.

    I also believe that they tortured Ben Zygier aka “prisoner X” in an effort to get him to “confess” a crime he didn’t commit then murdered him to hide the fact that they didn’t know what they were doing all along. I also remember Israeli spy Avishai Raviv and his connection to the murder of Rabin. Don’t forget the misinformation and incompetence with the three yeshiva students. To say that these guys don’t do these things is ridiculous.

    Spend some time talking to cops then ask yourself if you trust them with a gun in your collell. Are they very truthful especially if they are under pressure, made a big mistake, or simply wasted a lot of time on a hunch that didn’t pan out ?

  4. “The Jewish terror organization, whose members are currently being investigated, was behind serious terror attacks. From this extremist anti-Zionist ideology, members of this organization continued to carry out attacks even after Duma and they viewed this attack as one they should emulate.”

    Under what sort of criminal justice system do the investigators announce the verdict prior to the trial? These same people have announced dozens of times before that they have uncovered a Jewish underground/terror organization but to date none has been found and no group or organization of Jews has been declared an illegal terror group.

    “Right-wing activists and attorneys are trying to divert the public’s attention and that of the judicial system concerning the serious acts of terror committed by this group by delegitimizing the ongoing investigation to expose the perpetrators.”

    Why is Israel’s Secret Police making political statements? Is being a “Right-wing activist” an illegal activity in Israel? Are their statements to be automatically disqualified due to this label? Is this label even true? Are these men not in fact Jewish patriots defending the rights and lives of Jews who are endangered by fascistic monsters who have nothing but hatred for Jews and our Torah? Furthermore, is a judicial system that basis its judgement on the politics of the accused legitimate? Should it not be called out and challenged?

    “The ISA will continue to operate within the framework of the law to thwart terrorism and thereby bringing this organization to justice which is of the opinion the State of Israel does not have a right to exist. Its main vision is the overthrow of the government in Israel using violent methods (even including the murder of Palestinians) to launch its revolt to appoint a king and undermine the relations between Israel and other nations, the expulsion of non-Jews, and to harm minorities.”

    A truly amazing statement. If there was even the slightest bit of proof of this, they would already be in court and the trial in progress. The reality is all of this originates from the psychotic hatred these people have for Jews and our Torah. This is the madness and viscousness of desperate men. They have invested their lives and money into fancy homes and exotic vacations but have no children to take over the “family business” i.e. the State of Israel. They see it falling into the hands of Torah Jews and they are frantic to strike out at whomever they can. Their “godfather” was once asked what he would do if the religious were to take over the country. He answered that he made the State and he would burn it down to the ground before he would let the religious take it over.


    Yaalon and erdan ADMITTED there was no evidence against him!

    Now, they do, because he confessed under torture. Note that until the confession the ISA didn’t deny the torture at all. Now they do, because he confessed to something he didn’t do.

  6. ISA and truth is an OXYmoron!!!

    Bibi, the justice and the so called rabbis are all against these kids. Why? Because in their minds it helps them politically..

    They are proven achzorim!!!

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