VIDEO: Widespread Condemnation After Jewish Radicals Celebrate Wedding by Stabbing Photo of Dawabsheh Baby


A Channel 10 News report including a video taken at a chasenah of a right-wing religious person has outraged the nation. During the wedding, while dancing and rejoicing, some participants are seen waving automatic weapons and pistols, which were also given to children to dance, as well as a photo of the baby killed in the Duma arson attack with a knife through the photo, Ali Darawshe, 6-months-old.

Among those taking part in the simcha there was song and praise for the attack, singing “revenge revenge”; an attack that left three members of the Darawshe family of the PA (Palestinian Authority) dead, the parents and Ali. An older brother, the only survivor, was severely burned. In short, the video and accompanying report has shocked the nation and clearly damaged the image of the right-wing religious community throughout Yehuda and Shomron as too many are willing to view the majority of the hundreds of law-abiding citizens as “terrorists” who identify with the actions of the few extremists at the wedding.

Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita stated “these types of actions do not represent Yiddishkheit”, adding “This represents a total rejection and renunciation of the Jewish people’s values, our Torah and the uniqueness of Am Yisrael. Parents and teachers must undertake this mission together with law-enforcement agencies – to do everything possible to prevent anyone from identifying with such acts of terror and ghastly murder”.

Also releasing a condemnatory message to the media was Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who stated “The shocking pictures that were broadcast this evening show the true face of a group that constitutes a danger to Israeli society and to the security of Israel. We are not prepared to accept people who deny the laws of the state and do not view themselves as subject to them. The pictures underscore how important a strong ISA is to the security of us all.”

Other condemnations were heard from Bayit Yehudi MKs Betzalel Smotrich and Shuli Muallem-Refaeli, who called the video “shocking” and stated the murder of the Darawshe family was an “act of terror”.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotevely also condemned the actions of persons at the wedding as did many politicians from the left-wing and opposition parties. Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid stated “We must fight them as we do Hizbullah as they threaten the existence of the State of Israel”, the same words uttered a day earlier regarding the Duma attack by Bayit Yehudi leader Minister Naftali Bennett.

Following the Channel 10 report, a Shai Police district spokesman on Thursday morning announced an investigation has been launched a few days ago into the actions of some participants of that wedding and some disturbing evidence has already been given over to the State Prosecutor’s Office and Nationalist Crimes Unit of Israel Police for follow-up.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. These people are sickos and literally have blood on their hands, unfortunately not only Pally blood, but likely-Jewish blood that will be spilled as a result of their sick actions.

  2. Stabbing pictures are not actual killings. However, people acting like this have very disturbing mentalities that could lead to actual killings of Muslim Arabs not engaged in terror and consequently cause more terrorist actions against Jews.

    Unfortunately, despite their long peyos and yarmulkes, these Jews are subservient to the LAND of Israel and not to Hashem and the Torah.

    These people absolutely do not care about the consequences of their actions. Their goal is to cause war between the Muslims and the Jews and Israeli government and they believe that that is how they’ll be able to overcome the secular government and build the Third Bais Hamikdosh.

    They are anarchists and desire violence. They need to be contained at all costs.

  3. There are those who say that this is an ISA Avishai Raviv-style job to counterbalance the backlash they’re getting about alleged abuse and torture so that people should react like poster #4. They came uninvited, so it does sound like it’s a possibility. But of course, if this entire thing is not a show staged by the ISA to make them look good, but rather the horrific behavior of Jewish youth, then we need to tear kriyah that Jews have sunken so low as to celebrate the murder of a baby. Even if it was not a show, but that an ISA provocateur egged them on to act that way, it’s still a major tragedy.

  4. The Mizrachi ideology has led to this arab-minded love of violence. Once a Jew disavows himself of the galus-behavior, and begins making himself into a force to be reckoned with among the nations, this is the result – imitating the worst of the goyim in celebrating the murder of an innocent baby.

    What this does is fuel the hateful propaganda of the terrorists – ‘look, those religious Jews are rejoicing over the death of a baby at a wedding, wielding knives..they want to kill us, let’s kill them first’

    Shame on you Mizrachi. Shame on you.

    This is your mamzer of the illegitimate marriage between the avodah zara of secular zionism, with religion. (see kovetz maamarim from rav elchonon vasserman, where he says that ‘zionism is idol worship. religious zionism is religion mixed with idol worship.

    Pri Chatas.

  5. I will not speak in generalities, but I have a personal connection with some of these guys. Many “Hilltop Youth” types are, or have made themselves into social misfits who don’t fit into regular society. Hence, the withdrawal from greater society to isolated areas (often “hilltops”); hence, the scraggly beards and uncharacteristic peyos that are a kind of social statement. Something akin to(although definitely “le’havdil”) the long-haired youth in the U.S. in the 1960s. Intended more for the shock value than anything else. I agree with #9’s explanation to some degree, but I want to add that there is a more fundamental problem here. It’s true many in this group are sincere seekers of Torah, spirituality, and want to be ovaidei Hashem. But, together with that, they have been raised with a concept that might not be verbalized, but is nevertheless present in their minds and deeds. It’s a weird idea that whatever they want (or some of them want) is legitimate Judaism. The minute the question is not a strictly ritual question of psak halachah from the Shulchan Aruch, there is little or no need for rabbinical instruction. In fact, many “hilltopers” even disdain rabbinical authority in these matters. And here I mean the DL settler rabbis, who, to the hilltop youth, are not extreme enough for them. They ridicule “the establishment” rabbis for being too square, too timid, too “out of touch.” Sound familiar? You could almost call them Jewish hippies. Yes, most are shomer mitzvos to some degree, but they subscribe to “atzmi yiddishkeit” — “self-determining” halachah and hashkafa. Remember some of the discussions about “da’as Torah” on YWN a few weeks ago? This is the natural progression from deviating from it. Everyone feels free to decide his own da’as Torah. Sad to see so many nominally frum young people so confused about Torah and mitzvos. It is, to some degree, however, a natural outgrowth of the deviating hashkafa upon which they were raised. Hashem ya’azor.

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