Jewish Leaders Praise Senator Lindsey Graham and Anticipate Key Senate Role After He Suspends Presidential Bid

unnamedAfter months of a lackluster campaign that failed to catch fire in the general public US Senator Lindsey Graham suspended his presidential campaign. Making up for the general lack of enthusiasm for Graham’s campaign, he did invoke earn the consistent support of various Jewish leaders and activists most notably LA based businessman Robert Rechnitz who was a constant presence in Graham’s orbit and helped bankroll several of his key fundraisers.

Senator Graham goes back to the Senate as one of its most powerful members chairing several key sub-committees including the Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations which funds all US assistance to the State of Israel as well as chairing Armed Services and Judiciary sub-committees related to terrorism and national security.

unnamed (2)“The country owes him a great debt of gratitude for his service. He didn’t always follow the party line, he follows his conscience, common sense, and true values. I believe that had he won the nomination, there would have been a lot of ‘Graham Democrats’ — something we haven’t had since Reagan. He has the respect of the entire Senate and I’m sure he’ll continue to be a strong supporter of Israel — as he was with passing the second tranche of $235 million for the Iron Dome legislation which would not have been approved otherwise before the summer break in 2013…”

“He goes back to the Senate as the senior man on foreign policy and also as the Senator who is in charge of funding to the United Nations. His influence will continue to be felt for many years to come and our country in good hands because of him whether the next president is a Democrat or a Republican. I have no question that he took this Republican presidential race to a higher standard and certainly brought the issue of foreign policy to the forefront of the conversation.” said Robert Rechnitz in his capacity as a close confident of Senator Graham who was also the founding chairman of the Iron dome Tribute.

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“We need to recognize not only the political acumen of Robert Rechnitz for supporting Graham’s candidacy but also his sense of doing the right thing on the merits” said Ezra Friedlander, CEO, The Friedlander Group, a public policy consulting group, “supporting Graham is an affirmation of how important it is to be there for one Israel’s most powerful advocates in the US Senate. Kudos to Bob Rechnitz for stepping up to the plate”.

One Response

  1. He was by far the best of the Republican candidates. It is very sad that he was one of the first to drop out.

    Worthy of note was that he was one of only four Republican candidates who supported continuing the healthcare program for 9/11 responders. The others are Huckabee, Pataki, and Rubio.

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